【摘 要】
Objective: Erectile dysfunction(ED)is a common problem in the elderly,and the prevalence for cardiovascular(CV)risk factors in this group is relatively high.Recently,there is increasing tendency of ED
【机 构】
National Cheng Kung University Hospital,Tainan,Taiwan
【出 处】
Objective: Erectile dysfunction(ED)is a common problem in the elderly,and the prevalence for cardiovascular(CV)risk factors in this group is relatively high.Recently,there is increasing tendency of ED in young men under the age of 40.These young patients were more likely to have some kind of psychiatric problems instead of organic diseases;however,the CV risk factors may still exist.The aim of this study is to compare the prevalence of CV risk factors between the young male and the elderly with ED.Methods: From June 2013 to May 2015,patients presented to our out-patient clinic with chief complaint of ED were prospectively enrolled.The IIEF-5 questionnaire and common risk factors of CV disease including BMI,diabetes mellitus(DM),dyslipidemia,and smoking were collected.Patients were sub-divided into young age group(age <40)and old age group(age >40).Unpaired t-test,Chisquare test and Fishers exact test were used to evaluate the difference in the prevalence of the CV risk factors between two groups.Results: A total 458 patients were enrolled,and 90(19.7%)of them were in the young age group.The mean IIEF5 score was higher for the young male compared to the elderly(P=0.0037),suggesting that the severity of ED was higher in the elderly.For the prevalence of CV risk factors in the young male,34(37.8%)had overweight or obesity,76(84.4%)had dyslipidemia,and 23(25.6%)were current smoker.There was no DM in the young age group in our patients.The prevalence of overweight/obesity,dyslipidemia,and current smoker between the young and elderly groups were nonsignificantly different.Conclusions: Although young male presented to us with less severity of ED,these patients indeed possessed CV risk factors which may lead to the development of ED.
目的:探讨分析生长棒技术的各种并发症的发生原因及针对措施.方法:总结随访我院骨科2004 年应用生长棒技术治疗各种小儿先天性脊柱畸形120 例,观察治疗效果,确定并发症产生的几率并分析原因.结果:生长帮技术治疗小儿脊柱畸形有较好的治疗效果,平均矫正率可以达到40 %左右,对脊柱的生长,心肺功能的改善有一定的左右.并发症包括:断棒、脱钩(钉)、肋骨骨折、感染、躯干失平衡、继发弯度增大等.平均并发症发
目的:探讨Ⅰ期后路短节段椎弓根固定联合前路经胸病灶清除治疗儿童胸椎结核的疗效.方法:回顾分析35 例采用Ⅰ期后路短节段椎弓根固定联合前路经胸病灶清除治疗儿童胸椎结核的结果,主要观察指标有局部病灶有无复发、症状改善情况以及后凸畸形矫正的近期和远期变化情况.
目的:探讨对年幼儿童和复杂肘部骨折的诊断价值.方法:我科2008 年2 月-至2010 年2 月间,收治31 例(31 肘)年幼儿童和复杂肘部骨折,平均2.3 岁(10 月-3.8 岁),在全麻下采用C 臂引导经鹰嘴上方途径注入碘海醇1ml 进行肘关节造影,根据术中造影诊断,分别进行手术治疗,术后复查肘关节正侧位片.分别对比术前诊断与术中造影诊断以及术中造影与术后诊断符合率.
目的:通过病例的回顾性分析掌握脊髓纵裂合并椎管闭合不全的临床表现,提高对该病的认识及诊断效率,减少误诊及漏诊的情况发生.方法:对我院2000 年至2011 年收治的脊髓纵裂合并椎管闭合不全患儿进行回顾性分析,其中有完整资料者8 例,其中男6 例,女2 例,年龄最小36 天,最大10 岁,平均年龄1.8 岁.
目的:比较青少年特发性脊柱侧弯(AIS)采用椎体操作(VCM,Vertebral Column Manipulator)技术和旋棒技术(SRD,Simple Rod Derotation)的5年影像及SRS-22问卷结果.方法:本研究的材料来至华盛顿大学脊柱侧弯中心的临床影像及SRS-22问卷结果.57例AIS按去旋转矫正技术的不同分为2组:VCM组(n = 22)和SRD组(n = 35),所有
目的:我国是全球22 个结核病流行严重的国家之一,目前我国结核病年发病人数约为130 万.儿童结核发病占20 %,而脊柱结核约占4 %以上;但因小儿脊柱结核起病缓慢,症状隐匿,同时幼儿表述能力差,全身中毒症状可无或不明显,家长观察不细致,未能早期发现患儿异常表现,而且患儿盗汗、夜啼、消瘦等全身症状,易误诊为感冒、缺钙等,这些都对儿童结核的早期诊断造成困难;而首诊多以后凸畸形诊治,因此延误治疗,给患
目的:探讨负压封闭引流技术(vacuum sealing drainage,VSD)在儿童骨髓炎进行治疗时的护理.方法:本组病例11例,男8例,女3例,平均年龄3.27岁,股骨远端骨髓炎6例,胫骨近端骨髓炎4例,髂骨骨髓炎1例.所有患儿都做脓液及血培养,急诊切开引流手术,置入VSD引流,双联抗生素用药,并根据药敏试验结果调整抗生素,5~7天后拆除VSD引流敷料,根据创口内是否有脓液渗出,选择关闭伤
Objective: To evaluate the impact of 120 W GreenLight High Performancer System photoselective vaporization of the prostate(HPS-PVP)on erectile function at longterm follow-up in men with LUTS due to be