Performance based steel and composite structural fire enginee-ring research has been an active area of research for about 20 years and there have been tremendous progresses in this area. In particular, in the last 10 years or so, there has been a surge in interestin this topic, as a result of widespread applications of performance based structural fire engineering in reducing the cost of fire protection without compromising structural safety andhigh profile cases of fire induced structural collapse, including the World Trade Center buildings on 11 September 2001. This paper will provide a detailed state of the art reporton different aspects of behaviour of steel and composite structures under fire conditions,including recent developments on fire behaviour, heat transfer, thermal and mechanicalproperties of materials at elevated temperatures and steel and composite joint structural behaviour at elevated temperatures. Structural behaviour in fire is a highly complex problem.Therefore, despite efforts from many researchers all over the world in the last 20 years orso, there are still many challenging problems and this paper wi-ll present some future research directions in this area.