Tunable frequency conversion in a nonlinear photonic crystal

来源 :International Conference Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applicat | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weizx20090123
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  A tunable efficient quasi-phase matched second harmonic generation (SHG) in nonlin ear LiNbO3 crystal has been demonstrate, where the distribution of ferroelectric domains possess only the short-range order.In such domain structures the reciprocal vectors form a series of concentric rings.In each ring the reciprocal vectors are continuously distributed, which can be used to compensate continuous wave vector differences and achieve the phase-matching for different frequencies and multiple parametric interactions.Therefore, the tunable output can be realized with higher conversion efficiency.This process is similar to the broadband SHG in random media, but the existence of short range ordered domain results in much higher frequency conversion efficiency.
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在阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜市,有一家在华人社会中影响颇大的华文报纸《华人时报周刊》。这是一份为当地华人服务的综合性报纸,每周四出版,每期共有36个版面,其创办人之一就是浙商应波涛、应涌潮兄弟。哥哥应波涛今年36岁,弟弟应涌潮35岁。兄弟俩浓浓的眉毛、坚定的眼神,长得出奇的相像。    生意人办起了报纸    虽然《华人时报周刊》是份四开黑白小报,但内容相当丰富,既有中国国内消息和国家的大政方针,也有中