Dendrite arborization patterns are the major feature for neurons to be distinct, and lay the groundwork for neuronal connection and circuit function.We used Drosophila dendrite arborization (da) neurons to study developmental regulation of dendrite formation.The da neurons display distinct dendrite arborization patterns that are classified into four classes (I-IV) according to its complexity.The da dendrites have become a model system to study development as well as degeneration.Previously we had studied the human Parkinsons disease gene LRRK2 in da neurons and suggested the molecular mechanism for LRRK2 mutants to cause dendrite degeneration.To follow up, we study the Drosophila homolog of Lrrk in da dendrite development.We have generated Lrrk mutants and observed dendrite arborization defects.Using confocal microscopy in dendrite live-imaging, we have found enhanced Golgi outpost movements in Lrrk mutants.We also report the cellular effect induced by LRRK2 Parkinsons mutants in da dendrites.