
来源 :第2届中国重庆关节外科国际学术研讨会暨第二届全军关节镜学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youxiangzhuce126
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Objective:To investigate the feasibility of anatomical reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament single bundle injury with hamstring tendons knot implant fixation. Methods From Feb 2002 to Feb 2005, 16 cases of anterior cruciate ligament posteriolateral bundle (PLB) reconstruction and 4 cases of anteriomedial btmdle(AMB)reconstruction were performed with hamstring tendons knot implant fixation. There were 10 cases of sports injuries, 6 cases of traffic accidents and 4 cases of daffy activity injuries. The ACL remnants were debrided arthroscopically and the uninjuried bundle was protected.Femoral tunnels were created according to the anatomic attachment of PLB (9:30 in the fight knee or 2:30 in the left) or AMB(11 in the fight knee or 1 in the left). Bottle-necked like femoral tunnel was created with a customized reamer. The diameter of tibial tunnel and inferior 1/3 of femoral tunnel were matched with the graft. After pretension, the hamstring tendon was knotted in the middle and then was introduced through the femoral tunnel into the tibial tunnel with the tendon knot press-fitted in the bottle-necked like femoral tunnel. Bis fixation and suture knotting on the bony bridge were completed in the tibial side. Result Patients were followed up for 6-8 months. Preoperative Lysholm score averaged 74.5 and postoperative score 94.2. Rulermetr examination showes that mean anterior tibial translation was less than 3mm and Lachmann test were negative postoperatively. Postoperative rotation was improved significantly. Conclusion:Anatomical reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament single brindle (PLB/AMB)injury with hamstring tendons knot implant fixation has the advantages of biology fixation and superior compatibility.
近来,一本名为《苦难辉煌》的书不断受到热议和追捧,这部由国防大学战略教研部战略研究所所长金一南呕心沥血撰写的鸿篇巨制,入选了中宣部、中组部“党员干部学习推荐书目”。   “给人星火者,必怀火炬!”金一南常说,如果把国家比作大海中的航船,那战略研究者就是登临船头的瞭望者,不断辨明航向,避开暗礁和风暴。     从“好工人”到“好教员”    14岁,金一南刚刚初中毕业,“文革”风暴袭来,一夜之间
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Objective:The purpose of this study is to compare the clinical results of two bundle ACL reconstruction respectively with four and eight strands of hamstring ten