Autophagy is now regarded as one of core metabolic processes, and is affected by numerous factors derived from the cellular status and the extracellular environments.To comprehensively understand as of which factors affect autophagy activity in the yeast, we have conducted genome-wide survey against two kinds of mutant collections, the knock out collection of non-essential genes and the Damp method mediated knock down collection of essential genes, by employing ALP assay, that enables quantitative assessment of autophagy activity.We took three assay points;i) nutrient-rich condition, ii) nitrogen starvation for 4 hrs, iii) nitrogen starvation for 24 hrs, when autophagy has been terminated in wild-type cells, and listed almost all yeast genes in the order of autophagic activities.Besides well-established autophagy regulators such as Atg proteins, novel and/or less-characterized factors were listed as negatively or positively affecting factors.Based on this list, we have reported the mechanism how general membrane traffic affects autophagy (JCS, 2013) and how TORC1 activity is regulated (Autophagy, 2014).In addition, we will report a negative regulatory factor, without which autophagy overshoots and leads to earlier cell death under starvation.