【摘 要】
The thermoelectric performance of materials is dependent on the interplay or competition among three key components, the electrical conductivity, thermopowe
【机 构】
【出 处】
BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会
The thermoelectric performance of materials is dependent on the interplay or competition among three key components, the electrical conductivity, thermopower, and thermal conductivity.Nanostructured thermoelectric materials have attracted lot of attentions due to their significant improvement of the figure of merit (ZT).In this work, we have investigated the possible mechanisms of phonon scattering by nanostructures and nanoparticle-induced strain fields in PbTe based thermoelectric nanomaterials.We also discussed the mechanism of anomalous electronic transport behavior found in Pb-and Sb-dual nanostructured PbTe system.These findings promise new strategies to enhance thermoelectric figure of merit by introducing strain fields or multinanostructuring of miscible precipitates.
Wind turbine impacts on wildlife are important issues for wind project acceptance.Different effects are associated to wind energy development: collision, wh
有数据显示,2006年联合国在中国的采购不足其全球采购的百分之一,这与中国的贸易大国地位极不相称;同年,联合国全球采购量也不足当年中国贸易量的百分之一。 联合国采购机构多,每个机构都有采购侧重点,并通过自己的网站进行介绍。联合国采购的商品和服务按类别分层次梳理,汇总成采购目录,有上万种之多。目录中的每一个项目都有确定的编号,这是供应商向联合国介绍自己和联合国搜寻供应商的重要媒介。 联合国的各种
Developers of Solar power can be influenced by tax policy, greenhouse gas driven policies, as well as challenging public involvement and environmental impac
桌上的餐盘一个一个地撤了下去。 小餐厅包间里,最终只剩下记者和许小年。有一瞬间,我有如坐针毡的感觉。 他比印象中瘦得多,总是眉头紧锁,拧成一个深深的“川”字,眼神言辞锋利得像一把刀,不由得让人联想到了某个人——虽然,把一个具有批判精神的人比喻成鲁迅, 很落俗套。 说他像刀,锋芒毕露,出手精准,直刺要害,其学界友人陈志武笑称之为:“不留余地,被他批的人,在地上都找不到一个可以躲的洞。” 他对