Borderless Technology Philosophy of Technology Exchange and Transfer between East and West

来源 :第三届中外技术交流史国际学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gxhwx
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  Since the emerging in 1877 following with the deep prehistory,philosophy of technology has undergone the institutionalization in 1978 after the establishment of SPT in 1976 and the publishment of Philosophy and Technology in 1978 in USA.Among nations or even across borders,philosophy of technology,has been not only exchanged and perceived intentionally or unintentionally,but also transferred and penetrated tangibly or intangibly.Philosophy of technology,as a discipline with great future,has been spread rapidly and deeply,revealing potential power in monitoring and leading technology development.With contrast and factors analyses,the paper studies the exchange and transfer for philosophy of technology in international,exploring the major issues in scholars,research areas,interesting topics,dissemination and reception process,therefore offering proposals.Hopefully,in theory,it deepens the cognizance on the development for philosophy of technology,as well as promotes the exchange on technology and philosophy of technology between east and west.In practice,it is conducive to not only provide references for government and education departments to draft policies on technology and philosophy of technology,but affords ideas for enterprises and organizations to implement,assess or innovate technology.
“生命在于运动”,人体中的诸多脏器或是以动为用的,以通为顺,以不通为病的。 一、脑血栓形成:本病是在脑动脉硬化病变基础上产生的,引起血管腔狭窄或闭塞,导致脑梗塞而出现
作者在炎热的三伏天,用二次覆土技术连续五年种平菇,均获得很高的效益。现将此技术介绍如下: (一)材料准备 河沙若干(建筑用的黄沙),直径6cm、长40cm、无底无盖铁皮圆筒1只,
一体化生物加工过程(Consolidated bioprocessing,CBP)是在一个生物反应器中完成水解酶生产、酶解、微生物发酵等多步生物过程的工艺.因其过程步骤简单、成本低,被认为是生产
  广藿香为唇形科植物广藿香Pogostemon cablin(Blanco)Benth的干燥地上部分,具有芳香化浊,开胃止呕,发表解暑的功效,临床上主要用于湿浊中阻,暑湿倦怠,胸闷不舒,寒湿闭暑,