The kinetics of Ca2+-induced conformational transition of calmodulin in complex with the IQ motif of
【机 构】
Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beichen West Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing 100101,
【出 处】
Primary and motile cilia/flagella function as cellular antennae, receive signals from the environment,subsequently activate the signaling pathways that are critical for cellular homeostasis and differ
Cilia are hair like structures protruding from cell surface and play diverse biological functions.Defects in ciliogenesis can lead to numerous human genetic disorders.
The Cilia-based Mechanoreceptive Organelle Localizes at the Distal End of the Dendrite in Fly Mechan
Mechanosensory transduction is a process that converts the mechanical stimuli in the environment into electrochemical signals in the cells.It underlies several important physiological processes, for e
A peptide transporter gene OsPTR10 contribute to rice tillering,nitrogen utilization and grain yield
Rice tillering is a key to determine plant architecture and yield,particularly in cereal crops.Nitrogen plays a critical role in controlling this trait in monocots,but the underlying molecular mechani
植物合成丰富的次生代谢物,又称特殊代谢物或天然产物,其中萜类化合物是最大的类群.倍半萜由15 个碳原子的法呢基二磷酸转化而成,在植物对环境的适应、尤其是植物-昆虫互作与协同进化过程中发挥重要作用.许多倍半萜衍生物是植物抵抗病虫侵害的防御性化合物,有些成分具有药用或其它重要价值.植物激素茉莉酸(JA)对植物次生代谢起重要调控作用.在拟南芥中,bHLH家族转录因子MYC2 是JA 信号输出的重要因子.
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Integrated analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression reveals insights into unstability of secondary m
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Floral scent is thought to be an important characteristic to evaluate ornamental flowers,playing a key role in plant ecophysiology.Monoterpenes are an important category of floral scent compounds.In t