Identification of Extra Virgin Olive Adulteration based on Multi-Scale Two Dimensional Correlation R

来源 :2014国际过程分析与控制中国区论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nicolas6520
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  Olive adulteration r epresents o ne o f the important I ssues o f p ublic c oncern I n China.A mong a ll t he identification methods of olive adulteration,two dimensional correlation Raman spectroscopy is paid much attention for its unique advantages of high sensitivity and accuracy.However,the conventional two dimensional correlation Raman methods can be easily affected by the spectral noise and background,resulting a poor resolution.We proposed a novel strategy with the fusion of 2-D modeling methods and multi-scale resolution,extracting information from two dimensional correlation spectra accurately.Our work has tested and refined the multi-scale strategy by drawing upon the s ystematic an alysis o f multiple s pectral d ata s ets t o yield ch allenges r epresentative o f t hose e ncountered I n common Raman spectral analysis of oil adulteration.Satisfactory calibration results suggest the multi-scale strategy is promising to obtain reliable identification of olive adulteration with higher spectral resolution.
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近年来便携式近红外光谱仪己在国际市场上得到很大的普及。由于它们的便携性,特别手持式近红外技术己经发现了许多新的应用。在某些方面它取代了传统的台式近红外光谱仪,例如,在药厂原料快速鉴定和快速识别爆炸物和毒品。然而,当这些手持式仪器在要求较高的应用中,由于较低的分辨率和重现性,而缺乏足够的灵敏度。 因而手持设备有时无法满足实时实地现场分析检测的需求。本报告将介绍新一代的便携式傅立叶变换近红外光谱仪。在