Molecular cloning and functional analysis of a NAC gene OoNAC72 from OxytropisochrocephalaBunge

来源 :陕西省植物学会2018年学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alenhrp1
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  Oxytropis ochrocephala Bunge,one of poisonous grass,distributed widely in the northwest of China,which causes a tremendous losses of Livestock husbandry and destroys the grassland ecological balence.O.ochrocephala are mainly distributed in the bad environments such as drought,less rain and cold.They can rapidly spread in these areas,which is closely related to its strong resistance.Therefore,the study about its resistence mechanism is a significant breakthrough on explaining the spreading mechanism of O.ochrocephala.Here,wereportedtheisolationandfunctionalcharacterizationofanovelO.ochrocephalaOoNAC72 gene.OoNAC72encodedprotein,localizinginthenucleus and transactivatetranscriptioninyeast,suggestingthatitlikelyfunctionsasaNAC Family Transcription Factors.Expression analysis of OoNAC72 in O.ochrocephalaseedling showed that this gene was induced by drought,highsalinity and cold stresses and by abscisic acid(ABA).
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