Synthesis,structural diversity and luminescence of chiral dibenzoyl-tartrate coordination polymers w

来源 :中国化学会第八届全国配位化学会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CANDICE301
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  Chirality is an important category in chemical and biological systems.Chiral coordination polymers play important roles in the fields of asymmetric catalysis,chiral separation,secondharmonic generation(SHG)and ferroelectric/piezoelectric materials [1,2].
Molecular magnetic materials exhibiting bistability have invoked intense interest in the molecular materials because of their great potential in the information processing,sensing,data storage,molecul
含有从轻到重稀土元素的一系列镧系配位聚合物,即{[Eu2(pydc)3(H2O)]·2H2O}n(1-Eu,H2pydc=吡啶-2,3-二羧酸),[Ln(pyc)2(Hpyc)(NO3)]n(Ln=Nd(2-Nd),Sm(3-Sm),Eu(4-Eu),Gd(5-Gd),Tb(6-Tb),Ho(7-Ho),和Er(8-Er),Hpyc =吡啶-3-羧酸)在水/溶剂热条件下合成并充分表征。
Of various luminescent transition metal complexes,those with d8 and d10 metal ions are particularly interesting because additional d8-d8/d8-d10/d10-d10 intermetallic contacts with the energy comparabl
高效节能气体分离技术的发展是应对大宗化学品绿色制造、清洁能源存储和气候变化等全球挑战的关键。吸附分离是一种节能高效的分离技术,但气体吸附分离过程普遍存在选择性和容量难以兼具的现象(trade-off 效应),导致过程能耗居高不下。
Copper-ceria as one of the very active catalysts for oxidation reactions has been widely investigated in heterogeneous catalysis.
Coordination polymer and metal-organic framework have attracted much research interest,owing to their multifunctional properties such as magnetism,luminescence,gas storage,catalysis,chirality,and sens
Spin-crossover(SCO)complexes were one of the most attractive switchable molecular materials with the potential applications in data storage,molecular switches and sensors.