SILEX Ⅱ-high throughput tool for advanced manufacturing of solar cells

来源 :SNEC 第十届(2016)国际太阳能产业及光伏工程(上海)论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lilianmm
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  We are reviewing the key features of a newly developed batch wet chemical tool.The basic SILEX Ⅱ system achieves an output of up to 3,000 wph,upscaling of batch size will cover tool capacity up to 6000 wph,running with very low breakage rates down to 0.01% and high process yield.The SILEX Ⅱ CLEANTEX combines common texturing and cleaning steps with advanced cleaning and conditioning processes.Advanced cleaning steps are going to become an indispensable part of existing present and future cell lines as a key for further improvement of cell performance and cost reduction.One of the possibilities to decrease the costs is by doubling the throughput by means of increasing the batch size.The impact of increasing the batch size from 200 wafers to 400 wafers is discussed in this work.
In this paper we report about the newest results of the mc PERCT pilot line at Shanxi Luan Solar Technology.We improved the pilot manufacturing process flow and parameters to increase efficiency of mu
Inline inspection is widely used in most industries to do process control and quality inspection.Due to increasing throughput and decreasing manual work in solar industry the average amount of inspect
提出在晶硅表面干法制绒降低反射率的想法已有20多年历史,但由于装备和工艺的缺陷,该技术一直没有得到量产推广.本演讲介绍一种基于线性等离子源技术的链式传输设备,它通过化学气体(SF6+O 2+Cl2)在射频电场的激发下形成等离子体,这种新的RIE干法制绒能在晶硅表面形成350纳米开口的倒金字塔绒面.经过干法制绒的多晶硅电池,光反射率从7%降低到小于3%,从而使多晶硅电池转换效率提升0.6%以上.
Passivated contacts have been shown to be very promising for silicon cells due to a reduction of the metal-semiconductor surface recombination,resulting in high open circuit voltages and efficiencies.
We present data on two decisive process steps within the heterojunction silicon solar cell production flow:Wet chemical processing and physical vapor deposition (PVD) of transparent conductive oxide (
The speech introduces a new cluster deposition system named OCTOPUS,having a couple of new PECVD reactor elements for RF and VHF thin film deposition,such as the proprietary mirror reactor concept,whi
Today,PERC is the technology of choice in p-type high-efficiency cell manufacturing.Especially for monocrystalline wafers,two main challenges have been identified that limit cell efficiency:emitter pe