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日益显著的学术异化现象揭示出“我们置身于什么样的学术生态,我们欲迈向什么样的学术国度”的命题,拷问着“学术,缘何而来,为何而往”及“学者,什么样的心境,什么样的作为”。学术异化源于人性的弱点,与心术、权术及对待学术的立场、态度、方法、境界有关,并受学术的制度、风气、秩序影响。学术的制度应当秉承学术自觉、尊重学术规律、坚守学术信仰;只有经得起时间检验与岁月沉淀方能成就真正的学术经典。学术是苦力活,但却是乐在其中、其乐无穷的心灵体验。学者应以学术为业,秉承学者品格,追求学术境界,以真理与正义为皈依,实现对人与美好世界的关怀,秉持“独立之精神,自由之思想”。学术应当与政治、资本、权力、意识形态保持一定距离,保住学术本真,坚守学术边界,警惕学术权力化及学术垄断、学术威权、学术压制、学术交易、学术腐败等异化现象。迈向心无旁骛的学术国度,就是要回归学术初心,唤醒学者心灵里的的学术理想主义,营造良善理性的学术制度主义,达致学术有所为有所不为之境,搭建心无旁骛的学术生态,迈向理性、民主、科学、文明、良善、正义的世界。学术强国与教育强国相辅相承,只有学术强、教育强才有经久不衰的综合国力,而世界一流大学和一流学科的建设,离不开心无旁骛的学术国度。 The increasingly significant phenomenon of academic alienation reveals the proposition of “what kind of academic ecology we are exposed to and what kind of academic state we want to move towards?”, Questioning “why academic, where and why” and “ ”Scholars, what kind of state of mind, what kind of act.“ Academic alienation originates from the weakness of human nature, which is related to the attitude, attitude, method and state of mind, right and academic treatment, and is influenced by the academic system, customs and order. Academic system should uphold academic self-awareness, respect for academic rules, adhere to academic beliefs; only withstand the test of time and years before the precipitation of the real academic classics. Academics are coolies, but they enjoy their endless spiritual experience. Scholars should regard academic as their profession, uphold the character of academics, pursue academic realm, convert truth and justice, and cherish their concern for man and the beautiful world. They should uphold ”the spirit of independence and freedom". Academia should maintain a certain distance from politics, capital, power and ideology, keep the academic nature, stick to the academic boundary, guard against the academicization of power and academic monopoly, academic authority, academic repression, academic transactions, academic corruption and other alienation phenomena. Towards the academic state full of heart, is to return to the beginning of the academic, to arouse the academic idealism within the scholar’s mind, to create a good and rational academic institutionalism, to achieve academic for what they did not for the situation, to build a school of academic ecology Toward a rational, democratic, scientific, civilized, good and just world. The academic power and the educational power complement each other. Only the academic and the powerful educated have an enduring comprehensive national strength. The construction of world-class universities and first-class disciplines can not be achieved without the unyielding academic environment.
一个完美的建筑必须是建筑与设备设计紧密配合 ,协调一致的产物。因而每幢建筑物的设计均需各专业设计人员的密切配合。根据多年从事给排水专业工程设计经验 ,对给排水专业与