Equity for all childrenA Comparative Studyabout Culturally Responsive Teaching in China

来源 :第四届国际教育研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:silent_snake
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In the Education for All goals which was first set at the World Conference in Jomtien (Thailand) in 1990 and then folio wed-up in the Dakar World Education Forum in 2000, education quality for all children is an intrinsically important componentln contrast to the optimistic improvements to other groups, Indigenous people and ethnic minorities lace particularly severe disadvantages in education(UNESCO,2010).In order to promote the academic success of children from ethnic minority gourps, culturally responsive teaching is adopted to bridge the cultural gaps between homes and schools. Aiming at exploring how the schooling responds to students with diverse cultural background, this study selected two primary schools in China, one located in eastern developed city (school A)and another located in western developingcity (school B), as cases to compare and analyze its educational practices by employing semi-structure interviews, documentation analysis and questionnaire investigatioa Findings indicate that:At the institutional dimension, the two cases have exerted effort to establish suitable school environment for ethnic minority childrea School A has successfully created an immersing multicultural environment for children from various ethnic minority groups by means of diverse school decoration, school museum and various extra-curriculum activities related to ethnic cultures. Due to the financial constraint, the leaders in school B are still struggling for improvement of infrastructure construction, let alone to spare energy and money on campus culture. But they still try to make the school friendly to children with the assistance of UNICEF. At the same time, both schools are providing local curricula and school-based curricula which focus either on the local knowledge or ethnic minority cultures. The bilingual education is accessible in school B for Tibetan students.At the personal dimension, the teachers in school A demonstrate positive attitudes towards ethnic minority cultures as well as students from ethnic minority groups. However, they also deliberately avoid mentioning the ethnic identity and difference related to ethnicity of children during the teaching process in order to guarantee of equally treatment to everyone, which leads to their blindness to cultures in classroom. In school B, it tends to be more teachers agree with the inferior status of minority culture to Han Chinese culture. But what distinguishes with school A is that some teachers elevates the superiority of ethnic cultures and not vice versa.At the instructional dimension, the official textbooks are adopted as main teaching material in both schools. Teachers also indicate that they would integrate knowledge of ethnic minority groups into subject when it is necessary.The culturally responsive teaching in case schools is influenced by government (and UN1CEF), school leaders, teachers and parents. For the local government for school A, the primary task for ethnic minority education is to establish good relationship between minority groups and the majority group and finally promote social harmony and common prosperity of all ethnicities. This orientation has determined the foundation of multicultural education in schools. In the province where school B located, the government gives priority to improve learning quality of ethnic minority children. The cooperation between government and UNICEF has greatly promoted schooling to be culturally responsive. Regarding to the school leaders in school A, the impetus for them to exert their efforts on culturally responsive teaching does not stem from the demand of effective teaching for students from different cultural background but from the necessity to pursue their characteristics distinctive from other schools. But the leaders in school B expect much from the language and culture sensitive basic education which brought by UNICEF to improve the education conditions and quality. In school A, for the teachers of moral education and school-based curriculum, the immersing environment and diverse curricula are valuable resources for their teaching. But to other subject teachers, ethnic minority culture is a replaceable tool that promotes teaching smoothly. But for teachers in school B, it is natural reaction to integrate Tibetan culture into their teaching activities in order to facilitate students to understand. From the standpoint of parents in case A, they really do not care about either multicultural education or culturally responsive teaching. Instead, the convenience for family plays much more significant role than consideration of culturally responsive teaching.
王开术先生的中国画以水墨人物画为其主攻,凭借着扎实的西画造型功底和驾驭中国传统笔墨的能力取得了创作上的一次次成功。他的水墨人物画的创作,牢牢植根于生活,充满 Mr. W
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