Radiologic hand and wrist changes in scleroderma patients and associations with skin score,duration
【机 构】
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences,Internal Medicine,Shiraz,Iran
【出 处】
Identification of Potential Serum Biomarkers for Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis by High Resolution
Objective:To seek candidate autoantigens in circulating immune complexes(CICs)in dermatomyositis and polymyositis(DM/PM),analyze autoantigens through Orbitrap mass spectrometry,to assist in the early
Neutrophil extracellular traps(NETs)contribute to interstitial lung disease related to anti-MDA5 ant
Objective:To explore the role of NETs in dermatomyositis associated interstitial lung disease(ILD)and to analyse the association between NETs and anti-MDA5 antibody.Methods:Patients with clinically am
某12Cr1MoV蒸汽管道对接接头在520℃运行90000 h后发生泄漏。通过宏观观察、金相观察、扫描电镜观察、能谱分析等方法对断口进行分析,发现在焊缝一侧3~9点钟位置存在沿环向分布的裂纹。宏观上断口面无塑性变形,且完整复制了焊缝熔合形貌,裂纹面覆盖了致密的高温氧化物;微观上裂纹开裂位于焊接热影响区的细晶区和临界晶区,同时主裂纹附近可见沿晶界分布的微裂纹和蠕变孔洞,由此判断该环缝发生了Ⅳ型蠕变开
A combined genome-wide DNA methylation and transcription analysis identified genes related with path