
来源 :Studies of Modern World History | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuhuafenghao
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阿连德政权在智利史上占有重要地位,他所坚持的社会主义道路受到世界瞩目,是智利研究的热点之一。其核心问题是:什么因素促成了阿连德道路的失败?国外学者从阿连德自身政治经济改革的失误、智利社会反对派运动、美国干涉等方面展开研究;国内学者从内因、外因两方面寻找答案。本文旨在对国内外学术界有关智利阿连德道路失败原因的研究成果作一系统梳理。 Allende’s regime occupies an important position in the history of Chile, and the socialist road to which he insists has drawn world attention. This is one of the hot topics in Chile’s research. The core question is: what factors contributed to the failure of Allende’s path? Foreign scholars started their research from the blunders of Allende’s own political and economic reforms, the Chilean social opposition movement, and the intervention of the United States. Domestic scholars, from internal and external causes Find the answer. The purpose of this paper is to systematically review the research results of the academic failures in Allen & Riesia on the road to failure in academia at home and abroad.