One-Stage Repair for Stanford Type B Aortic Dissection Concomitant with Cardiac Diseases:Open Stente

来源 :第八届北京五洲国际心血管病会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803fengwei
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  Background We evaluated an open stented elephant trunk (sET) technique combined with cardiac operations for a one-stage treatment of patients with complicated Stanfordtype B aortic dissection (AoD) and cardiac diseases.Methods Between April 2007 and March 2010, 16 patients with Stanford B AoD and cardiac diseases (mean age 49.75 _ 13.42 years) underwent sET combined with cardiac operations.Under deep hypothermic cardiac arrest (DHCA), a stented graft was directly delivered via the incision of aortic arch and the proximal graft was sutured on the normal distal aortic arch wall in a continuous circumferential full-thickness fashion.The combined cardiac operations (Bentall procedure, etc.) were performed before sET implantation while cooling.Results Average time of cardiopulmonary bypass, aortic cross clamping durance, and DHCAwas 131.62 _23.85, 64.69 _9.72, and 21.94_3.60 minutes, respectively.There were no early deaths and no neurological complications.During a follow-up of 18.69 _9.94 months, computed tomographic angiography was performed in all patients.Neitherendoleak nor stent shifting was observed.Retrograde type A AoD was not found during follow-up.Thrombus was formed in the false lumen from the proximal descending aorta to the diaphragmatic section.Conclusions The open sET technique combined cardiac procedures can reliably treat Stanford type B AoD concomitant with surgical cardiac disease in a single stage.
凡人皆知以前倪匡是无酒不欢的,却未必有很多人知道一个关于倪匡饮酒饮得厉害的故事。  三年多前倪匡答应让我们出版社出版他的小说,既惊且喜,喜当然是皇牌压阵,让我跷起二郎腿名利双收。惊却真是如假包换的,因为每年七位数字的支票恭恭敬敬地奉上之后,万一有什么意外,岂非因加得减。  那倪匡又是个老顽童,百无忌惮,爱开玩笑,一拿过了我的支票,就吓我说:  “如果我有什么意外,肯定哭得最凄凉的女人是梁凤仪,因为
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