Thermal Analysis for Energy Research: Data Interpretation and Challenges: Evaluation of Cu-based Oxy

来源 :中国化学会第十六届全国化学热力学和热分析学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssxjj
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  Chemical looping combustion (CLC) is a novel combustion technology with the capability for segregation of exhaust products (i.e.carbon dioxide/H2O and nitrogen/oxygen).If water condensation is applied to the exhaust products of a CLC system,a concentrated stream of CO2 is possible,and thus sequestration of CO2 becomes a possibility.CLC uses a metal oxide as an oxygen carrier,which transfers oxygen from the air to the fuel,thus avoiding the direct contact between fuel and air.The feasibility of a CLC system depends on the selection of an appropriate oxygen carrier.Cu-based oxygen carriers are good oxygen carriers due to high reactivity,environmental friendliness,and favorable thermodynamics.Based on the initial oxygen loading capability tests,the dry impregnation methods received additional investigation.The characterizations of the carriers were evaluated by using thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA),X-ray Diffraction (XRD),scanning electron microscope (SEM) and surface area analyzer.TGA is an excellent fixed-bed technique to evaluate (1) the content of metal (Cu) in/on the supporting material (Al2O3),(2) the preparation methods for oxygen carriers; (3) the morphology of oxygen carriers under the controlled furnace temperature.The major issue found in this study was the attrition loss of copper of the ICSET oxygen carrier.Unlike the TGA tests,where the oxygen carrier was kept in a static condition for the testing period,the continuous operations of the 10KW CLC pilot exposed the oxygen carrier to high circulation rates,which caused collisions between the oxygen carrier particles with themselves,the reactors and the cyclones resulting in the breakage of oxygen carrier particles.The oxygen carrier was subjected to evaluation in a 10 kW dual-fluidized bed chemical looping facility and the carrier showed a good performance.
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【摘 要】培养学生的创新能力,教师要成为引导者,为学生创设宽松、民主、富有创新精神的创新氛围,为学生提供联想、探究、推理和分析,激发学生的创新欲望,同时培养和发挥学生质疑,设计、探索实验的能力,引导学生自己发现新问题、新现象,进行创造性学习。  【关键词】化学教学;创新能力;培养方法  新课程理念下的课堂教学,提倡教师是引导者,在化学教学中实施创造性教育,注重对学生进行创新能力的培养。因此,在化学
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