Experimental investigation on milling cutting force and surfacequality of sicp/al metal matrix compo

来源 :2012年中国(国际)光整加工技术及表面工程学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mmyxj
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This paper presents an experimental investigation of milling silicon carbide particulate reinforced aluminum(SiCp/Al) metal matrix composites workpiece with the assistance of ultrasonic vibrating along the spindle direction. Cuttingforce and the surface quality characterized by surface roughness and surface morphology are discussed by comparingconventional milling with ultrasonic vibration milling at different spindle speeds. The experimental results show thatultrasonic vibration milling can lower the cutting force, reduce the surface roughness, improve surface smoothness and alsoeliminate processing stripes.
Ground surface microstructure damage occasional occurs with the large depth cutting occasion. As a result ofmicrofinishing and finishing cut primarily proceed
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高中毕业后,他没有考上大学,于是,从山东淄博农村老家来到上海找工作。在人才济济的大上海,他这个仅有高中文凭的年轻人找了几个月,也没有找到合适的工作,眼看带来的钱就要用完了,他心情非常郁闷。由于他身高1.83米,长得也很精神,最终,在老乡的帮助下,他去了一个高档住宅小区做保安。  做保安,不但值班辛苦,挣钱也不多,还非常“受刺激”,因为整天看着业主们住豪宅开名车,他心情特别不好,越想越觉得自己这份收
The purpose of this paper is to simulate the residual field of laser brazing by FEM of ANSYS. The 2-D coupledfield element is elected to create finite element m
[摘要]本文着重讲述通过无人值守换热站的建立,提高数字化建设水平,实现供热集中监控系统的精细管理。  [关键词 无人值守;监控;精细管理  前言  胜南热力大队纯梁热力队集中供热工程竣工于2006年11月,管理着两座燃煤锅炉房,四座换热站,总供暖面积57.53万平方米,主要担负纯梁地区主营单位及小区内4771户居民的供暖和管网维修、入户服务等任务。纯梁热力队所辖锅炉房及换热站分布范围较广、司炉工短