【摘 要】
Let F ={Do, D1,… ,Dl-1} be a (v,K, λ) difference family (DF) over an abelian group G.If F forms a partition of G, then it is called partitioned and denoted by
【机 构】
Let F ={Do, D1,… ,Dl-1} be a (v,K, λ) difference family (DF) over an abelian group G.If F forms a partition of G, then it is called partitioned and denoted by (v, K, λ)-PDF.Each (n, {|Do|, |D1|,…, |Dl-1|},λ)-PDF can be identified with a zero difference balanced function f with parameters (n, l, λ) from (G, +) to (B, +) defined by f(x) =bi for x ∈ Di , 0 ≤ i ≤ l-1.Zero difference balanced functions were first introduced by Ding (2008) in constructing optimal constant composition codes, optimal and perfect difference systems of sets.
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