【摘 要】
Over the last two decades,Australian iron ore production has increased substantially and Australian products are now the major component in many Asia Pacific ore blends.Important differentiating chara
【机 构】
Centre for Ironmaking Materials Research,Discipline of Chemical Engineering,School of Engineering,Fa
Over the last two decades,Australian iron ore production has increased substantially and Australian products are now the major component in many Asia Pacific ore blends.Important differentiating characteristics of these ores are that they contain hematite and goethite in varying proportions,are more porous,are lower in bulk density and more easily assimilated to form melt.That the properties of the green bed laid on the sinter strand changes as a result of replacing dense ores m a sinter mix is not surprising.This paper tracks the impact of ore properties on green and sintering bed properties through to the quality of the sinter product.These changes,in turn,alter the speed at which the flame front descends down the bed and the time at which material is subjected to high temperatures.The increased green bed porosity,changes in the heating and cooling experienced by the material and increased melt formation will have an impact on the process that transforms the uniform green particulate bed into a heterogeneous bed composed of large sinter particles interspersed between large void spaces.Results obtained from two blends indicate that sinter plant performance can be maintained and sinter porosity ( reducibility) improved when these ores are used in place of denser ore types.
采用Thermo-Calc软件、金相显微镜、力学拉伸试验、硬度试验以及夏比冲击试验对不同Ni含量18Cr-2Mo超纯铁素体不锈钢的微观组织和力学性能进行了研究.试验结果表明,Ni含量在2%以下时,母材基体保持完全的铁素体相,且Ni含量的改变对材料微观组织基本没有影响;Ni含量每增加l%,母材的屈服强度和抗拉强度提高25 MPa左右,延伸率有一定下降;Ni含量增至2%时,材料的韧脆转变温度由原始母材
活套控制是热连轧精轧机组能否正常运转的关键,同时也是保证带钢宽度和厚度质量控制能否稳定的前提。介绍了宝钢1580 mm热轧三电自主集成改造中活套控制对象和所采用的基本模型,阐述了活套热负荷调试过程中一些注意事项。此次三电改造中,活套控制一次投入成功,并创造了开轧以来活套零废钢的记录。
CSIRO tested a Crosslands Resources ( "CRL") concentrate sample to investigate its utilisation strategies in both sintering and pelletising.The concentrate was predominantly magnetite,very high in Fe
The granulation property of iron ores was generally influenced by their wettability,surfaceroughness and shape of the iron ore.In this study,the surface roughness and shape of iron ores were character