This paper analyzes the land use change and degree of dynamism in the Tarim River Basin using land use category transition matrixes,calculated by GIS techniques.With the adoption of TM and CBERS data in 1990,2000 and 2010,the primary focus was the influence on surface runoff,flooding and the water quality.The results show that the sharp cutoff of surface flow and the deterioration of water quality are mainly caused by the increase of farmland and saline land.The proportion of surface runoff in non-flood seasons decreases,with a relative increase in the flood season due to irrigation diversions in the spring,leading to an increase of flood risk.The sharp decrease of grassland and the increase of unused land suggest stronger desertification processes in the Tarim River Basin other than oasis process and its fragile ecological environment.Ever since the Tarim comprehensive management project was carried out in 2000,the trend in parts of the land use were changed,with the water and the sand areas showing a decreasing trend,and the saline land.Increasing rate and the grass land decreasing rate are decreasing,indicates that the artificial positive intervention has achieved initial success.