Prediction Method Research on Annual Energy Consumption of River Water Source Heat Pump

来源 :第三届中国能源科学家论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pzpsxf
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  This paper presents a forecasting method of fiver water source heat pump annual operating energy consumption,and details the calculation process of the method,The idea of the method: introduce the concept of the equilibrium temperature tbal and BIN to forecast the hot and cold load; forecast the part load power of the river water source heat pump using the correction factor,and fit the power changes function in to a polynomial of the water side of the inlet temperature and the load side of the return water temperature; forecast the river water temperature under different air dry-bulb temperature by monitoring the air temperature and river water temperature and analysis the mathematic relation between the two parameters; finally calculate the annual energy consumption by adding the product of the temperature frequency and the part load power.This paper also makes an example with a project in Chongqing,China,to illustrate the calculation method in a practical project.This approach reflects the actual running characteristics of the fiver water source heat pump system,and the calculation is a simple process that can promote the application of practical engineering projects.
本文针对风力发电系统最大功率点跟踪(maximum power point tracking,MPPT)算法中的爬山法(Hill-climb searching method,HCS)在最大功率点(maximum power point,MPP)处存在
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  This research studied how to properly select an appropriate solar collector which is used in China northern area.Through the efficiency equation calculation
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