Epichloae endophytes are widely surveyed as novel bioresources symbionts of graminous plants.We obtained choke bearing grasses Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) P.Beauv.grown in Mt.Huangshan, Anhui in 2006.Mature stromata were developed on their culms and inflorescences, and obligate associated with host plants throughout areas higher than elevation of 1500 m.Twenty fungal strains were isolated from those plants.Morphological characteristics of these fungal strains including colony, conidium and conidiophore, pertherium and asci, growth rate on PDA plate, host specificity, and phylogenetic characteristics based on tubB and tefA fragments were mostly coincident with Epichlo(e) sylvatica Leuchtm.et Schardl.These fungal properties of the Chinese isolates were firstly documented in detail.No ascospore were observed to be ejected from pieces of perithecia-containing stromata (ca.5 mm long) that had been placed in water agar plates.Most significant differences of these strains with E.sylvatica proposed in 1998 should be (1) the localization of native distributions of their host plants, (2) differences in phylogenetic features and (3) the sizes of conidia.Morphological properties of stromata produced on their host plants, fungal colonies on PDA plates and microscopic characteristics were identical, excepting the conidia of Chinese isolates, 3.1±0.5x5.9±0.8 μam were bigger than that of European, and the conidiophores were thicker at the base.The phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that strains within Chinese B.sylvaticum are closely related with Japanese strain with bootstrap value of 90%, but different from European strains, indicating the geographic separation may play an important role in fungal evolution.Presently, we have surveyed epichloae endophytes in many provinces in China, collection of endophyte from B.sylvaticum in Huangshan was the rare case.It is likely that the distribution of this endophyte is not quite wide distributed in China.Microsatellite analysis indicated that this endophyte could be ancestor of Chinese Neotyphodium species together with E.yangzii.We tend to propose these strains as a new taxonomy group.