Pharmacokinetic interaction between simvastatin and flavonoids extracted from hawthorn fruits, a kin

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Flavonoids, the dominating active ingredient contained in hawthorn extracts, has been widely utilized in various prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine[1]. However, the effect of them on CYP450 and the pharmacological activity in hyperlipemia rats were still unclear[2], this study assessed the Inhibitory effect of flavonoids on CYP450 in vitro and the therapeutic activity in hyperglycemia rats. The content of some certain flavonoids were simultaneously determined by ultra–performance liquid chromatography electrospray(UPLC–ESI-MS/MS)[3], a sensitive and accurate method established in our laboratory[4],the inhibitory effects of hawthorn extract on CYPs activity were evaluated in rat liver microsomes, and then determined by HPLC based CYPs substrate assay; the SD rats were administrated hawthorn extract mixture for 15 days at a dose of 400mg/kg, then the samples were determined by HPLC. the content of quercetin, catechins, mignonette and puerarin contained in hawthorn extract were 1%,1.2%,1.86% and 1.82%(figure 1)respectively; the high dosage of hawthorn extract can markedly inhibit the metabolism of dextromethorphan(figure 2) and chlorxazone, thus the hawthorn extract can be utilized as a subsidiary hypolipidemic drug. Our study demonstrated that herb-drug interaction should be paid more attention between hawthorn and drug metabolized by CYP2D6 and CYP2E1; the hawthorn had fine hypolipidemic activity, whereas the mechanism was not by effecting the activity of CYP3A2
1954年10月7日,一代伟人的号令划破长空,响彻寰宇,翻开了新中国屯垦戍边伟大壮举的新篇章——新疆生产建设兵团诞生在祖国的边疆。  十万雄师,铁流滚滚,带着硝烟,转战万里,从井冈山到南泥湾,一路向西,在共和国的黎明里,拉起了军垦第一犁;红旗招展处,戈壁茫茫一手翻。登上高山,再没有下来!进入沙海,再没有出来!拿起坎土曼,再没有放下!站成座座界碑,再没有离开!  六十年,戈壁惊开新世纪,天山常涌大波
【正】 有清一代,曾有四帝10次巡幸盛京,“恭谒祖陵”,“万骑云屯看渤海,三春冰洋渡辽河”,“旌旗羽葆,络绎20余里,雷动云从,诚盛观也。”生动地描述了当时巡幸出行的宏大浩