To Mr. Xi’s “Book of Poetry Annotation” content, the original text, rhyme, translation, notes five parts. The problem-solving, especially the thematic revelation of specific poems, is based on a thorough study of the original text. Therefore, the theme is consistent with the original text, and there is no sense of being far-fetched. At the same time, there is a vast field of view on the method of problem solving, not limited to the circular interpretation of the text. This book on the “Book of Songs,” the text of the original line of poetry, reflects the original poem more than two original views. The translation is based on the understanding and research of the language of the Book of Songs and the culture of the pre-Qin period, which can best embody Mr. Xi’s understanding of The Book of Songs. Annotation is mainly to provide basis for the translation or supplementary explanation to the solution based, other such as explaining the special culture or rhetorical devices, phonetic transcription, but also around the solution. Note that both pay attention to choose to clasp the original note, but also take into account the comment text itself “popular ” sexual and specific.