Trace elements,especially heavy metals,are considered to be one of the main sources of pollution in the environment,Since they have a significant effect on i0ts ecological quailty.Human activities often mobilize and redistribute natural substances in the environment so much so that they can cause adverse effect environment so much so that they can causeintroduced into lake andadverse effect .a number of chemical,reservoir waters by riverine or atmosphericTrace heavy metalsinputs are involved inbiological and physical processes that control their concentrations inthe aqueous phase, and inspeciation of an element in environmentbioavailability , soil organic matter ingovernsenvironmentsites duereleasedill-defined substances, ediments. In general, the chemicalits biogeochemical behavior andpresents a large number of bindingbioorganisms. The largesubstances,.g,humic matter, or to different type of ligandsnumber of ionisable functional groups in humicsubstances,mainly carboxylic and phenolic groups, results in an appreciable ability to formstable complexes with heavy metal canons. In addition, different binding sites may presentdifferent degrees of lability, i.e., different dissociation rate constants. This depends notonly on the type of the metal ions and organic matter that are present in solution, but alsoon tnetr relative concentration .Due to the large number of complexmg sites withdifferent functional groups and different affinities for heavy metal canons (chemicalbydyheterogeneity), the complexation properties of humic substances are representedaverage stability parameters orequilibrium distribution functions. The complexation properties of humic andaim of this stuwas to study and compare theisolated from soils.fulvic substance.