【摘 要】
Jujube witches-broom (JWB) disease is one of the destructive diseases in Jujube fruit tree.In this study, two primer pairs DZ16SnF/DZ16SnR and DZ16SF-2/DZ16SR-2 were designed and synthesized, which co
【机 构】
Research Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beiji
【出 处】
Jujube witches-broom (JWB) disease is one of the destructive diseases in Jujube fruit tree.In this study, two primer pairs DZ16SnF/DZ16SnR and DZ16SF-2/DZ16SR-2 were designed and synthesized, which could amplify 290 bp and 190 bp fragments of 16S rDNA sequence of JWB phytoplasma by PCR, respectively.The real-time (SYBR Green Ⅰ) quantitative PCR detection system was constructed by using the recombinant plasmid of pMD18-DZ16S as the template for establishing standard curve.All the results showed that the primer pairs DZ16SF-2/DZ16SR-2 had good specificity and sensitivity in the detection of JWB phytoplasma.The phytoplasma concentrations as well as disease index were quantitively detected and compared in the graft inoculated different cultivar scions with different grades of disease including the JWB-highly-resistant cultivar "Xingguang", moderate resistant cv."Heiyaozizao"and "Gagazao" and "Huluzao", susceptible cv.
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