Native T1-mapping for assessment of interstitial myocardial fibrosis in patients with hypertrophic c

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhenhua212824
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  Introduction:Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is one of the most common cardiomyopathies in the world, and it’s also the main causes of cardiac sudden cardiac death (SCD) in young adults. Interstitial myocardial fibrosis is common in HCM patients and is one of the leading causes of ventricular arrhythmia. Interstitial myocardial fibrosis always causes ventricular remodeling, cardiac function changes and myocardial electrophysiology abnormality. It could also have an important relationship with SCD. At present, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is considered currently to be the best way to evaluate cardiac structure and function, especially myocardial late gadolinium enhancement technique [1,2]. LGE-MR has some limitations in patients with diffused interstitial myocardial fibrosis [3]. T1-mapping imaging is a new method for evaluation of myocardial fibrosis, which can directly measure longitudinal relaxation time constant (T1) of myocardium and quantitatively assess myocardial damage. The native T1- mapping (pre-contrast T1) as a noninvasive method, not only can avoid renal toxicity, but also effectively evaluate myocardial fibrosis quantitatively and predict prognosis without gadolinium. This study is mainly to use a noninvasive imaging technique to evaluate the potential myocardial fibrosis in patients with HCM on the preliminary quantitative research. Methods: MR native T1-mapping imaging acquisition was performed on a 3.0T scanner (GE, HDxt) with Modified Look-Locker with Saturation Recovery (MOLLSR) technique, using 8 channel heart coils. 7 patients with HCM (4 male and 3 female, 41-82 years) and 6 healthy volunteers (4 female and 2 male, 23-37 years) were enrolled in the study. We mainly focused on left ventricular short axis myocardial T1-mapping imaging, including apex, mid and basal scanning slices. We manually delineated a ROI (0.6-1.0mm2) in the hypertrophy myocardium and the remote “normal” myocardium in patients for the same slice. We also measured the volunteers’ myocardium by the same method to obtain average native T1 values. The native T1-values were measured blindly by an experienced cardiac radiologist. Nonparametric test was performed to analyze the differences between hypertrophy myocardium and non-hypertrophy myocardium, normal myocardium. Statistical significance was defined less than 0.05. Results: In patients with HCM, native-T1 values of hypertrophy myocardium (1224.37ms±119.62ms) were higher than remote myocardium (1098.52ms±202.40ms) (p=0.08). At the same time, native-T1 values of hypertrophy myocardium (1224.37ms±119.62ms) were higher than normal volunteers (1005.55ms±100.30ms) (p=0.00). Native-T1 values between remote myocardium in patients with HCM (1098.52ms±202. 40ms) and normal volunteers (1005.55ms±100.30ms) had statistical significance (p=0.02). Discussion: The reasons of interstitial myocardial fibrosis in HCM are complex and 栀愀搀 not been fully explained. Some specific factors are also important, such as decreased capacity, anemia, continuous micro chronic infarct, microvascular remodeling, calcium and blood-flow disorders, hormones, etc. Because HCM patients may die of SCD, quantitative evaluation myocardial fibrosis in HCM patients could provide great values of predicting prognosis. As a new method to directly measure the myocardial tissue without contrast agents, Native T1-mapping imaging can be used to the native-T1mapping of left ventricular myocardium in patients with HCM. T1 values in patients with HCM was significant higher than that of normal volunteers, it may suggested that interstitial substance increase in HCM patients. And the T1 value of the non-hypertrophy myocardium in HCM is also higher than of normal volunteers, it may hit that the fibrosis of remote “normal” myocardium is developing, but the specific mechanism remains to be seen in our further research. Conclusion: Native T1-mapping as a noninvasive new method, can be used to quantitatively evaluate myocardial fibrosis in patients with HCM without using contrast agents.
目的 为了全面反映我院药品不良反应监测情况,提高安全用药水平,促进临床合理用药,总结分析我院2018 年度药品不良反应发生情况,为临床用药提供参考。方法 药物不良反应是指合格药品在正常用法用量下出现的与用药目的无关的有害反应。药物不良反应监测工作是药品上市后安全监管的重要技术支撑,对我院2018 年度收集到的185 例药品不良反应进行回顾性分析,其目的是及时发现、控制和消除药品安全风险。
卵巢癌死亡率位居妇科恶性肿瘤死亡率的第一位,其 5 年 生存率仅约35%。大部分发现已是晚期,Ⅲ、Ⅳ 期。晚期卵巢癌患者即使完成了包括手术及一线化疗的标准治疗,仍有超过70%的患者会出现疾病复发。复发性卵巢癌的治愈可能性几乎为零。即便患者最初为铂敏感复发,随着疾病进展最终也会发展为铂耐药复发。对于铂耐药复发卵巢癌患者,临床治疗多选择不含铂类药物的二线单药治疗,ORR 约为10%~30%。临床亟待探
目的 针对癌痛患者阿片类药物临床不合理使用的原因,比较临床药师干预前后阿片类药物使用情况,初步建立适用于此类患者的阿片类药物合理使用策略。方法 回顾性调取某院内科病院癌痛患者住院医嘱点评的结果,根据点评结果中不合理医嘱涉及的问题,运用帕累托图分析不合理医嘱问题的主、次因素,临床药师有针对性地对产生不合理用药的因素进行干预,干预内容包括:病程记录不完整、治疗药物选择不适宜、剂量调整理由不充分、相关不
目的 培美曲塞(pemetrexed)是一种新型抗代谢类抗肿瘤药物,具有良好的应用前景,其发生的各种不良反应也值得学习。通过对一例培美曲塞致皮肤色素沉着病例分析,学习并探讨培美曲塞引起皮肤色素沉着的不良反应。
目的 目的 对于癌痛的治疗,不仅要注重评估疼痛情况,适时调整用药剂量,,还要根据患者的个体情况选择适合的治疗药物和给药途径,从而达到满意的止痛效果,本文通过临床药师在一例癌痛伴肠梗阻患者治疗实践中的药学监护,为临床癌痛患者个体化用药提供参考,为临床治疗提供更多依据。
目的 临床药师通过参与1 例乳腺癌患者内分泌治疗方案的制定,结合乳腺癌内分泌治疗特点,在临床面临的主要问题是原、继发性耐药。即使ER 和孕激素受体(progestogen receptor,PR)均为阳性,也只有70%左右的患者治疗有效。
目的 中国的癌症发病率和死亡率一直在上升,从2010 年开始已经成为主要的致死原因,成为了中国的一个主要公共卫生问题。正确合理地应用抗肿瘤药物是肿瘤综合治疗的重要组成部分,是提高肿瘤患者生存率和生活质量,降低死亡率和复发率的重要手段。抗肿瘤药物安全范围小、选择性低,作用机理和体内代谢动力学复杂;化疗中药物应用不规范,严重不良反应多,不能根据治疗目的和患者特点个体化给药等情况,造成抗肿瘤药物临床不合
Purpose: To analyze the radiological features of peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (pPNET). Material and Methods: The radiological and clinical findings of 16 patients with pPNETs were retros
目的 探讨混合型肝癌的CT影像特征及临床特点,提高诊断准确性。方法 回顾性分析我院2011~2016年间经手术病理证实的11例混合型肝癌患者的临床资料及CT影像(平扫+三期动态增强),评估其中的特异性表现。结果 11 例患者中,8例为男性(73%); 患者年龄范围在39~71 岁之间(平均为57岁);10例患者伴有上腹部胀痛不适(91%)、4例患者伴有黄疸(36%);7例患者有乙肝及肝硬化基础(6
目的 探讨踝关节外侧韧带3D–FSE-Cube 图像多平面重建在显示韧带中的价值,寻找最佳成像平面显示韧带全程,并测量韧带的走行及各个径线.材料与方法 2011年4月10日至2011年5月10日间在我科行MR扫描10个志愿者20个踝关节.平均年龄24.8岁(23-27岁),男5个,女5个.使用GE Signa HDx 3.0T磁共振扫描仪和膝关节线圈.扫描序列为3D-FSE-Cube,采用冠状位扫