Aquaporin channels as therapeutic targets in brain edema and cancer

来源 :International Conference for Physiological Sciences 2012(201 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lgx9527
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  Aquaporins (AQPs) are channels that enable water movement across membranes.AQP1 is essential in kidney and choroid plexus;AQP4 is abundant in brain astroglial cells.Upregulation of AQP1 in glioblastoma and other cancers has been correlated with disease aggressiveness, but the role of AQP1 remained unknown.
  Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) remains a serious clinical problem lacking effective treatment.ICH frequently causes brain edema, which leads to an expansion
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Zhejiang Vocational Art School is a cradle of stars. Recently expanded and relocated to a new campus near Qiantang River from the Yellow Dragon, the academy is
问:  我31岁,男友27岁。我和男友在一起生活3年了,其间他有一次外遇,后来我们的性生活一直不太好。我们谈过很多次,依然没什么效果,感觉是因为互相的兴趣点不一样,比如他对很奔放的表达才有感觉,觉得我不够享受,但我觉得他一方面没让我感到享受,另一方面我的表达也已经到达我所能表达的部分了。   现在我们都无法满足对方,做爱的次数很少,质量也不高,但我心里的欲望却越来越多。我很想找别的人做,因为我感觉
我是个坐办公室的女性,今年还不到40岁,可不知何故,我近年来项背和腰腿老是酸胀疼痛,休息后有所加重,短时间活动活动反而有所 I am a woman sitting in an office. I am und
  The efficacy of synapse transmission is known to bemodulated by presynaptic actions of transmitters and neuromodulators, which regulate presynaptic release
  Pain is initiated when noxious thermal, mechanical, or chemical stimuli excite the peripheral terminals of specialized primary afferent neurons called nocic