
来源 :宋史研究论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ncwu521
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汪圣铎先生长期从事中国古代货币史和宋史的研究,成果颇丰,已经出版了《轻重与沉浮》(广西人民出版社,1989年)、《两京梦华》(香港中华书局、上海三联书店、台湾书泉,1992年)、《两宋财政史》(上、下)(中华书局,1995年)、《宋真宗》(吉林文史出版社,1996年)、《中国钱币史话》(中华书局,1998年)等论著。汪圣铎教授倾十余年之力,最近又推出了《两宋货币史》,这是第一部对宋代货币史进行全面系统研究的力作,该书已于2003年9月由社会科学文献出版社出版。 Wang Shengduo has long been engaged in the study of ancient Chinese currency history and the history of the Song Dynasty, with quite successful achievements. He has published such books as “severity and ups and downs” (Guangxi People’s Publishing House, 1989), “Beijing Dream” (Zhonghua Book Company in Hong Kong, , Taiwan Springs, 1992), “The History of Songs in Two Songs” (upper and lower) (Zhonghua Book Company, 1995), Song Zhenzong (Jilin Literature & History Publishing House, 1996), The History of Chinese Coins (Zhonghua Book Company , 1998) and other works. Professor Wang Sheng Duo more than ten years of dumping force, recently launched the “History of the Two Songs of money”, which is the first to conduct a comprehensive and systematic study of the monetary history of the Song Dynasty masterpiece, the book was in September 2003 by the Social Sciences Academic Press publishing.