As a new design way of thinking,Interactive design make design products have a new experience in the course of sense,So more and more people pay attention and expect.People love this interactive mode,because design give people people a feeling of enjoyment and innovation in the interactive process.Packaging design can enhance product features,enhance economic development and reflect the characteristics of the times,so with the development of society,packaging design also looking for a new design approach,the appearance of interaction design is a great way to achieve packaging design in the future.In this paper,to find new ways of packaging design,analysis and study Interaction design.Interactive packaging design,it is to implement this new way to experience in Packaging Design,forming a new model of communication between people and products,through the concept of interactive design,principles,factors considered elaborateby,analyzing how to embody the interaction design on brand packaging,shapes,colors,patterns,materials,and so on,summarizes the methods applied interaction design concepts used in the packaging design:Through structural,sense,situation around and Virtual Reality.While analyzing some feature interactive design concept when applied,implement new interactive experience in Packaging Design,the purpose is to provide a new understanding and to grasp the angle of approach and to add new design method.Finally,through the analysis of the millet phone packaging,perfume packaging,Gloji juice beverage packaging,being a full demonstration of the importance of the interactive concept in Packaging Design.Interaction design occupies an important position in packaging design and it will be widely used in packaging design in the future,so it will be gain more and more scientific and humanized and Human interaction.