Supply Chain Optimization: Case of African Companies and Traders in China

来源 :浙江工商大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sii923
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Logistics i.e.handling and storage of products is the key to the supply chain and business efficiency.If the benefits of a longer supply chain outweigh the costs,developing more advanced logistics solutions in China will become a strategically urgent task.In most cases,this means investing in people,processes and technology.The total cost of logistics from the point of departure to the destination is as important as the total time.Supply chain visibility is a top priority for all companies,especially those operating in China.For most products,many entities are involved in the transport and storage of goods from the point of departure to the destination,which hinders the transparency of the entire supply chain.Companies need to provide timely and accurate information at many points in their supply chain to respond quickly to market trends and distribution issues,but many companies have not received this information.Compared to today,most companies expect greater visibility in the early stages of the cycle.To achieve a high degree of transparency,companies need information-based intelligence,strict information requirements and close cooperation with everyone involved in the product supply chain.With the improvement of logistical capacity,large American companies have changed or are changing sales conditions to control goods at suppliers’ terminals,in order to gain visibility and reduce logistical costs.Companies serving the Chinese domestic market also hope to increase the visibility of the supply chain.Today,technology allows computers and databases to communicate with each other.Companies need to cooperate and share information with suppliers,service providers and transportation companies so that the end customer has full visibility.Closely related to the transparency of the supply chain is the issue of the total cost of delivery.Most companies underestimate the total cost of transporting goods and products through the global supply chain,and it is often difficult to estimate China’s distribution costs because China’s transportation infrastructure varies.From one region to another,the guidelines used by the Institute of Management Auditors provide companies with information on actual costs,including logistics time and expense,management time,quality control,capital efficiency,and technical support.Once the actual costs are estimated and budgeted,the business can use the insights gained from supply chain visibility to reduce costs.China’s logistical capacities are developing.Companies should explore all available options to improve their logistics operations and coordinate their work with partners throughout the supply chain.They must think about and manipulate their opponents to seek to improve the performance of the global supply chain.These measures have worked and African traders and businesses need to think carefully about how to apply them to their supply chains.Therefore,many solutions are available for help these companies to improve their supply chain such as:-Explore the benefits of getting closer to sources and consider creative ways to work more closely with key suppliers and service providers,even to the point of taking an equity share.-Work with suppliers,service providers,and transport carriers to improve visibility of products and materials that flow from China to the final destination.Then act on this knowledge to reduce costs and times to market.-Use information technology to manage supply chain operations.Explore options for optimizing the supply chain and work with partners to achieve the best results.In order to be able to conduct research in the best way and increase the knowledge accumulated in a given field,it is important to realize the importance of compatibility between the three research nodes(Nilsson(1995)p.36).)The three research nodes are:1-The problem,i.e.the purpose of the research2-The methodology which consists of various tools,methods and devices to conduct the study and to meet its purpose.3-The paradigm,e.g.basic assumptions of reality and knowledge from the researcher’s viewTherefore,our thesis will consist of five chapters;Chapter 1 will illustrate the problematic context and research objectives.chapter 2 the literature review: theories related to our subject and empirical studies conceptual model,Chapter 3 on the methodology(study case)to clearly describe the approach we will adopt to resolve the research question posed upstream,Chapter 4 will present the results of the analysis and discussion of these results in the light of theories and empirical studies related to our subject.And finally,chapter 5 will be our conclusion including the synthesis of the results obtained(synthesis of the main findings of the study and recommendations).
Trade is an exchange of goods and services for another;when it takes place across countries,we call it international trade.Some underdeveloped countries are unable to use their mineral resources,so In