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BackgroundTelecommunication is an important part of life which will connect people fromdifferent parts of the world very easily and in time. It helps to update many thingswhich are important to life and for the development of the country as well as inemergencies. There are lots of telecommunication companies in Nepal and China.Recruitment and Selection process play a pivotally important role for the company tobe successful. Recruitment and selection forms a core part of the central activitiesunderlying human resource management: namely, the acquisition, development andreward of workers. It is very important for organizations to acquire workers whoalready possess relevant knowledge, skills and abilities and are also able to make anaccurate prediction regarding their future abilities.PurposeThe purpose of this study is to make comparison between two telecommunicationcompanies such as Nepal Telecom of Nepal and LT Company of China on the basis ofRecruitment and Selection process. Its purpose is to study the effectiveness,evaluation steps, various factors influencing in recruitment, selection criteria,predictors, job performance and best practices in general and in company wiserespectively.Materials and MethodsThis study depends upon the information collected in secondary data which isbasically from the books, referred journals and websites. In addition, necessaryinformation will be collected from the concerned telecom companies of Nepal andChina from the Internet. The data will be collected for the purpose of study. We didcase study in Nepal and China for the two telecommunication companies as NepalTelecom in Nepal and LT Company in China. We collected data as secondary sourceof data from the internet related to these two companies. We performed study on thebasis of three main things;1] Background of the Company;2] Human resource of thecompany; and3] Recruitment and selection process of the company. The secondary data are collected under these headings for both Nepal Telecom and LT Company.Then we made comparison between these two companies within these main headingsand made comparison chart for better result.ResultsThe establishment of the two sample companies in Nepal and China is different butboth has transformed from the original company. Both companies are providing theirbetter services from urban areas to rural areas performing important role in the recentdevelopment of telecommunication. They are providing various types of services suchas fixed communications, mobile communications, data communications, networkaccess, domestic and international communications facilities, satellite services and allkinds of value-added telecom services business, WCDMA services standard for3Glicenses but we found that the services provided in China by LT company were moreadvanced, extended and of good quality than in comparison to Nepal. The recruitmentand selection process plays an important role in success of the company. In China forLT Company, there is lot of employees and recruitment is also divided into graduaterecruit and social recruit which are providing special provision as well. But in Nepal,the number of employees is less and there is not such special provision. In China,during the recruitment and selection process, the graduate’s field staff of the companyfirst arranges face to face conversation with new candidates to be selected, then afterselection candidates are enrolled through written test and on basis of best result andreference, candidates are selected and listed for formal interview. At last, most ofthem are selected as new employees of the LT Company. But in Nepal, firstcandidates are gathered through advertisement and written test is conducted, passedcandidates with best ranking will enrolled for the final interview and will be selectedas new employees of the Nepal Telecom company.ConclusionHuman resource planning is vital which allows a business time to train existing staffto take on new responsibilities and to recruit new staff to fill vacancies or to meet skillshortages. Recruitment refers to organizational activities that influence the numberand type of applicants who apply for a job and whether the applicants accept the jobsoffered. HR professional is having a big responsibility to hire a best person from the available talent pool. The employer should judge on individual merit and set the samestandards for all regardless of age, color, origin, religion, gender etc. It is evident fromthe study that organization’s which have responded to the change in the environmentby reviewing its functions have attained success.
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