An Analysis of the Hormones,Antioxidant Enzymes Activities under Drought Stress and GenomiC-Wide Ana

来源 :华中农业大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wan801130
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Soybean (Glycine max L.Merr.)is oneof the most prominent legume crops playingsignificant role in worlds food security.Water stress is one of the mostsevere constraintson crop production.Present study investigated the effects of drought stress imposed forvarious periods on antioxidant activities and hormones biosynthesis in (drought treated)
  and control (non-drought treated), fourSoybeans (Glycine max L.Merr.) cultivars viz.(jindou 74,jindou 78) as droughttolerant and (H228, B217) as drought sensitive.Considerable variations in the behavior of antioxidants were observed under droughtstress in all Soybeans cultivars.Exposure of plant to drought stress considerably increaseMDA concentrations in leaves of all cultivars, and such an increment was more indrought sensitive cultivars.The ROS were scavenged by the enhanced activities ofenzymatic (SOD, CAT,POD and APX) antioxidants inresponse to drought stress withthe passage of time; therefore, maximum values for these attributes were observed at 8
  days of drought for all cultivars.Theseantioxidant activities were higher in droughttolerant cultivars as compared todrought-sensitive cultivars at various time points.Moreover, Activities of hormones (ABA,IAA,JA and SA) biosynthesis were enhancedwith the passage of time.Data depicted that drought stress substantially affected thehormone levels inall Soybean cultivars.Variations were apparent among cultivarsregarding theirresponse to drought stress.The (jindou 74,jindou 78) drought tolerantcultivarsremained superior to sensitive cultivars regarding hormone levels andantioxidantactivities.In summary, our results are suggested that manipulation of these
  antioxidants and hormones may lead to improvement in drought stress tolerance.
  Generally, one of the largest groups of plant-specific transcription factorsis NACsproteins,[(NAM) no apical meristem,[ATAF1/2] Arabidopsis transcription activationfactor and (CUC2) cup-shaped cotyledon] which play a vital role inplant growth,development and adaption to the environmental conditions.Due to multidimensional roleof NAC proteins,itis very import to identify and characterize this proteins family insoybean.In present study, 139 Gin.NACs genes were identified and analyzed,phylogenetictreewas constructed, genes structures,genome localizations, domainduplications andgenes expression summaries in soybean.The phylogenic analysisrevealed that theNACs genes could be categorized broadlyinto 18 groups.Thechromosomal localizations and genome duplication indicated139 Gm.NACs contained747 homologues and distributed across 20 chromosomes.There were similar genesstructures in conformity with Gm.NACs groups between 190 and678 in proteinsequences lengths (average length 362.7).The motifs composition of Gin.NACs washighly conserved within the same group.Most of the significantly affected genes bydrought were concentrated on chromosome 6 based on transcdptomic changes evaluationby digital geneexpression (DGE)in hairy roots.Furthermore,Gm.NAC005,Gm.NAC020,Gm.NAC070 and Gm.NAC117 demonstrated significantlyhigherexpression changes under drought treatments via quantitative real-timePCR(RT-qPCR)analyses.Taken together, 139 NACs genes in Soybean wereidentifiedwith a carefulinvestigation of their location,structure, duplication, and evolution.Likewise, somegroups have evolved,resulting in high levels of functional divergence.Interestingly,Gm.NACs genes respond differently to drought stress which indicates the importance of thisgene family in abiotic stress conditionsand may be helpful in understanding the complexmechanisms of drought stress.
本文综述了环保牛仔布的主要生产工艺,调研比较了国内牛仔布染色现状。并深入研究了在环保牛仔布的染色过程中染色工艺的改变对其色牢度的影响。主要探讨了环保牛仔布的经纱在浆染联合机和绳染机上用靛蓝和硫化黑两类染料染色,三种后整理(普缩、退浆和丝光)以及牛仔布用酶洗水中的各种工艺或条件因素对提高环保牛仔布的干、湿摩擦牢度的影响。  结果表明:改变靛蓝和硫化黑的染色工艺参数或染色机器,可以使牛仔布的色牢度从干
本论文研制了三种易循环使用的修饰型磁性TiO2纳米催化剂,并将其用于偶氮染料和对硝基苯酚的可见光(或无光照)降解。主要研究内容如下:  1、以SiO2包裹的Fe3O4为磁性内核,通过乳胶-凝胶法制得TiO2包覆的磁性粒子,再以甲基橙为模板、吡咯为功能单体,合成了Fe3O4@SiO2@TiO2@印迹聚吡咯磁性催化剂;以TEM、IR、TGA、XRD、VSM等手段表征了催化剂的形貌、成分、结构和磁性,通
高速铁路是一种可持续发展的绿色通道,具有安全、准点、舒适、能耗低、效率高等优点,然而其巨大的能源消耗也越来越受到广泛重视,尤其对动车组列车节能操纵策略的研究迫在眉睫。与此同时,进一步探讨动车组列车多目标优化的控制方法,不单提供一种操纵方案,对于降低列车运行能耗和节约资源亦具有深远的意义。  本文借鉴国内外对动车组列车节能运行的研究,从列车节能的优化扩展到列车多目标的优化,结合动车组列车的运行特点,
近年来,人们对环境质量的要求越来越高,原有污水处理厂排放的处理后污水对环境仍然产生不利影响,因此越来越多的城镇污水处理厂开展了提标改造工作。本文以大连市凌水河污水处理厂提标改造工程为例,开展了如下研究工作:  首先,通过对凌水河污水处理厂近年来的运行水量进行调查分析,发现污水处理厂在2017年平均日处理水量为64033m3/d,最高日处理水量达到75090m3/d,污水处理厂的实际进水水量已超过原
微生物电合成系统(Microbial electrosynthesis system, MES)是近年兴起的、以微生物为催化剂,将阳极有机废水中化学能转化为电能,用于阴极生产氢气或有价化学产品的技术。本研究以碳毡基底担载石墨相氮化碳(g-C3N4)和WO3/MoO3(WO3/MoO3/g-C3N4),与非光合电化学活性菌SerratiamarcescensQ1(S. marcescens)构筑的光
秸秆发酵工业酒精的技术已基本成熟。但是在生产过程中,纤维素酶用量大,生产成本高,因此提高秸秆纤维素的酶解效率是该技术进行产业化的关键。本论文将超声波技术应用在秸秆预处理、纤维素酶预处理和秸秆的酶解过程中,以期提高维素酶的可及率、纤维素酶活力和秸秆的水解效率,取得主要结果如下:  适当的超声波处理可以提高纤维素酶的活力。超声波对纤维素酶预处理后,其活力的影响结果为:当超声功率为10W和20W时,酶活