This research focuses on the role of the G20in the evolving world,where the G20emerges as a key global platform for economic dialogue among major powers of the world.The most important prerequisite of current research is inability of the existing mechanism of global economic governance to ensure real defense of developing countries economic interests,to resist new international security challenges and threats and the lack of the coordinated global transformational project. The main research emphasis is put on the difficulties,opportunities and prospects of the global governance reform within G20against the background of the turbulence of a foreign policy situation and changes proceeding in global economy.The contribution of China and Russia to ensuring international stability and safety and their special role at the G20platform is shown. Subject and object innovativeness of this research include the integration of the researchersconclusions and the results of the G20summits under the chairmanship of Russia and the Peoples Republic of China,the strategic objective of which is to reform the world economic governance structure,basing on stability,and transition to a new Fifth technological mode economy phase.