This study examines how student has expectations before and experiences after they came to China for study.The international activities of Universities dramatically expanded in volume, scope, and density during the past two decades.These activities range from traditional studyabroad programs, allowing students to learn about other cultures, to providing access to higher education in countries where local institutions cannot meet the demand.Other activities stress upgrading the international outlooks and skills of students, enhancing foreign language programs, and providing cross-cultural understanding.The overall objectives of this survey were to acquire a deeper understanding of the importance and satisfaction level of international students regarding their learning activities students and to identify the factors that come into play when a student is considering a study period abroad.This study comprises on two main consideration 1=Academic, 2=Facilities.International student consider these to categories which can help them to make decision of overseas study.Academies involve the academic staff, quality of study, reputation of institutions etc.facilities involve the instructional resources that education institutions are providing to their students.A survey was conduct in Shandong University by the IMBA students.For that purpose a structured questionnaire was prepared and distributed among students.Almost 350 questionnaires were distributed among Shandong University international students who are living in international dormitory of Shandong University.This survey was conducted in the central campus of Shandong University.Primary data was collected to get the authentic views of students.A descriptive analysis on SPSS is made and mean value of importance and satisfaction of students were found.IPA (Importance, Performance analysis) was made.It is concluded by this study that Shandong University needs to do main focus on some academic area because it has been seen that international students are less satisfied with their academic environment.Key Points: Importance; satisfaction; Shandong University; Academies; Facilities; Descriptive analysis; IPA analysis