
来源 :天津大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tobay1
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Recently, reform and adjustment has been the major rhythm of Chinese Tobacco Industry. The old compensation allocation system could not meet the requirement of the development of tobacco industry. Along with the advancement of marketing procedure, more and more tobacco enterprises have employed the performance-compensation system.Hereby elucidates the position and function and the situation of compensation allocation system in Chinese tobacco enterprises. And takes M company as an example to discuss the principle and basic theory of compensation allocation system, interprets systemically the scientific design theory and method and suggests a compensation design protocol based on the position salary.Firstly we suggested the theoretical base, the respect and general procedure of compensation design based on the marketing mechanism and compensation allocation situation of Chinese tobacco industry. Then we elucidated how to conduct the position evaluation and determine position scale via terms system, how to determine the total wages and position wage coefficient by determining the principle and method of wage standard. And suggest a compensation design protocol of specific population; finally we elucidates the effect on tobacco industry of Chinese entry WTO.
<正>郭沫若的诗集《女神》和闻一多的《红烛》同为新诗草创时期的两部重要作品,可以合称浪漫主义双璧。由于郭氏成名在前, 《女神》出版亦在前,前者对于后者有着相当大的影响
对1981年1月 ̄1985年12月和1986年1月 ̄1993年12月前后两个阶段重度妊高征的治疗和母儿预后的分析。发现1986年以后,由于调整了治疗措施,不仅无孕产妇死亡,而且孕产妇并发症和新生儿窒息发生率明显下降,围产儿死
<正> 在 GB 7258—1997《机动车运行安全技术条件》(以下简称“技术条件”)中规定了在制动试验台上检验驻车制动力的方法和标准,然而大多数车况很好的车辆在滚筒式制动试验台
燃煤电厂结合碳捕集、封存与利用技术(carbon capture,utilization and storage,CCUS)被视为未来实现全球2℃温升目标实施深度碳减排的必要技术路线。中国电源结构以煤电为主