本研究以骏枣的茎段、叶片和金丝小枣幼胚的子叶为材料,建立了这两个枣品种组织培养的植株再生体系。结果表明: (1)间歇性灭菌可以降低骏枣茎段外植体的霉菌污染率,培养基中
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the meaning of the lived experience of family caregivers caring for their loved ones who were dependent upon
Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the awareness on cardiac rehabilitation (CR) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD).Methods: Inpatients
Background: Recruiting research participants from primary care in rural Appalachia is a major challenge and can be influenced by cultural characteristics,making
This article introduces safety management strategies of nasopharyngeal specimen collection from suspected cases of coronavirus disease 2019 in a tertiary design
羊草(Aneurolepidium chinensis)是分布于我国北方天然草地面积较广、营养价值较高而且较耐盐碱的最优良的禾本科牧草,是经济价值较高的草原类型。羊草具有耐寒、耐旱、耐湿、耐土壤瘠薄和一定的耐盐碱能力,适应范围很广。但是由于近年来人们的过度开发和利用,造成天然羊草草原的退化。羊草是建立人工草地和治理盐碱化草地的理想草种,虽具有一定的抗盐碱能力,一直未能很好地发挥改良盐碱地的作用。根