An Examination of the Effects of Authenticity and Perceived Value on Place Identity within Festival

来源 :东北财经大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luosenkate
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Festivals play significant role in development of tourism.Festivals occupy a special place with cultural values,associate with the large crowd,creative activities and emotional response of locals and tourists and provide a special recognition to different cultures and communities.Culture and festivals are the source to remain alive the old age traditions.It helps to teach the new generation about their culture,norms and tradition of their ancestors.This study proposed a holistic model of festival authenticity,perceived value,festival satisfaction and place identity within festival tourism scenario.The main objective of this research is to investigates the major antecedent of festival tourism in Pakistan and examine the effect of festival authenticity,perceived value on place identity within festival tourism scenario,taking the Shandur polo festival Pakistan as an example to test the relationship among these variables.This study also highlights the relationship between festival authenticity,perceived value,and place identity through festival satisfaction which is a gap in the previous studies.This study is based on a quantitative research design.A questionnaire containing two parts.For this studies data was collected from festival attendees including local visitors,international tourists,and some officials of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa(KPK)Tourism Department in Pakistan through a questionnaire survey.The data was analyzed through the least square-structural equation modeling technique while follows two steps process which is the measurement model and structural model respectively.In the demographic’s parts information related to gender,age,educational background,locality,the profession was collected and analyzed.Smart PLS3 software was used to analyze all four constructs;festival authenticity,perceived value,place identity,and festival satisfaction.A research model was developed based on seven hypotheses established for this study.Findings of this study indicate that festival authenticity impact festival satisfaction and place identity positively and significantly.Place identity for this study was operationalized into five main elements.These five elements include evaluation,personal attachment,continuity with personal past,perception of familiarity and commitment.The separate influence of these three elements indicates that place identity is a point of focus of the target tourism sector in Pakistan.For meeting it,authenticity,perceived value and festival satisfaction have been deployed.These oughts to influence the evaluation,personal attachment,continuity with personal past,perception of familiarity and commitment among the different level of units within the tourism sector to stimulate festival tourism in Pakistan.Furthermore,results indicate that perceived value effect festival satisfaction and place identity among festival tourists significantly and positively.Significant mediating role of festival satisfaction has been found among all these variables which in result revisit intention towards same destination.The theoretical and practical implications of the study have also been discussed.The practical implications of this study demonstrate how important it is for festival organizers to understand the motives driving customer authenticity with the theme of the specific event as well as the satisfaction under particular circumstances.This study also provides event organizers with an insight into methods for improving customer perceptions of festival quality,which is subsequently the key to the hospitality and tourism sector’s provision of high-quality service.Moreover,different advertising and promotional programs can be launched by event organizers to capture the actual and ideal selves of the potential target market.The Festival tourism industry is growing in Pakistan,so it is extremely important to develop effective strategies for festival satisfaction and perceived value to facilitate the impact assessment of such events and to develop standard models/methodologies for the improvements of festival tourism.It is fundamental to create different synergies and valid partnerships between several factors such as local institutions(public and private),statistic and tourism agencies,event organizers,tourism-related companies,and associations for the betterment of tourism and festival customers.
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