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As one of the key applied forms on Internet, B2C E-commerce has been growing at a veryhigh speed in China and in Russia in recent years. The importance of E-commerce has beenaccepted by more and more people in various circles. China and Russia show some commoncharacteristics that are relevant for e-commerce. Both countries, for example, rank among thegeographically largest countries in the world with huge population including different ethnicgroups. In both countries the average income is low, which has negative influence on the successof web-based B2C activities. But it can be assumed that this situation will change in the nearfuture, since it is to be expected that the average income will increase, due to the dynamicdevelopments in different economic fields.Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com notes,“The logistics and the customer service–thenonglamorous parts of the business–are the biggest problem with e-commerce. A lot of thesecompanies that are coming online spend all their money and effort building a beautiful Web siteand then can’t get the stuff to the customer.”Customer service is the end-all to any company’s success of failure. The customer is whatprovides the income that a company can continue to thrive and determine whether or not acompany can continue to stay in business. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that a highlevel of customer service always be something to strive for. Without continued excellence incustomer service, a company’s success is over before it starts.When e-shoppers buy products online they have almost infinite choice in terms of what theycan buy, where they can buy it, and when they can buy it. E-shoppers expect similar choice andcontrol when it comes to delivery of the products bought. This puts new challenges on deliveryoperators in as they need to develop new customer-oriented delivery solutions that offerconvenient delivery options as reasonable prices. If the delivery services on offer do not meet theneeds of e-shoppers, this may imply a lower willingness to engage in e-commerce.Starting from the perspective that B2C E-commerce consumers pursue low price whileretailers try to decrease the cost, by using the methods of sampling survey and case study, thepaper will discuss issues about goods delivery cost, delivery time and speed, delivery valueadded features, return options and the points of delivery in B2C E-commerce in both countries(China and Russia).
研究了一种基于峰差法的磁通门磁探仪系统。该系统由A Tmega8L单片机产生数字方波激励信号直接驱动磁通门探头,改善了传统RC模拟激磁电路的稳定性问题;用结构更加简单的峰值
合成了反应型受阻胺4 丙烯酰胺基 2,2,6,6 四甲基哌啶(AATP),用FTIR、1H NMR和元素分析对其结构和组成进行了综合表征.以AATP为聚合单体,利用光 DSC技术研究了AATP熔融本体光
目的研究老年性骨质疏松症患者全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)后膝关节周径、VAS指数(visual analogue score,VAS)、等长抵抗运动肌力,膝关节主动活动度(activ
<正> 甘薯不但是主要粮食作物和经济作物,而且也是蜜蜂从秋季过渡到冬季,以及整个越冬期的主要蜜源植物。蜂群能采到大量商品蜜,群单产约5~15公斤,群势下降少,是蜂群越冬不可