The main objective of this study is to propose a model for calculating eco-efficiency in apparel supply chain,which is considered by lean and green paradigm.This research is persuaded based on trade off between lean green practices identified from apparel industries.Mathematical model formulation is done by taking into account on individual industries impact on apparel supply chain.To show the application of the model,data from 6 Chinese companies were taken.Finally,a survey has been conducted in 17 Bangladeshi companies to demonstrate the model application.To exemplify the model,some lean and green practices have been chosen which has opposite effect in between economic performance and environmental performance in the apparel and fashion supply chain.As the apparel supply chain is a bust area with huge environmental impact as well as significant economic role player in the world economy,so this work has effectively suggested the new entrance for apparel industry’s eco-efficiency calculation strategy within time frame and showing variation in the eco-efficiency level regarding different size of apparel and fashion companies.One of the most important finding of this research is that with the increase of company size eco-efficiency level increases.All the company belonging to the same supply chain cannot be fully green at the same time which is another important discovery of this study.To obtain expected eco-efficiency level,there is always some compromise to employ some green and lean practices so that environmental and financial constraints are satisfied.To solve this problem a conceptual framework has been shown to clarify the constraints between environmental performance and economic performance.Conclusions are drawn not only viewing the insight possibilities to solve trade-off between lean and green practices but also discussing management practice modeling in the apparel and fashion company.