Along with china’s opening and reforms further,accompany world’s economy and trade of global and one-systematize,the national economy has turned to keep steady,rapid and healthy development.The import and export foreign trade is rapid growth.Ship market is flourish.And along with it,the speed of the harbor channel construction speeds up.The channel plan is one of prerequisites that harbor channel construction.Speaking of some harbor channel project,it is difficulty to choose the suitable channel plan.The theory of the multi-objects and multi-layers system for form fuzzy optimization is rigorous,and the solution of it is simple.If the target value is representative,the optimal result will reflect objectively the sorting situation of system for several different harbor channel plan form fuzzy optimization.In this paper,I introduces the model for multi-layers and multi-objects system fuzzy optimization,the development process from the unit system fuzzy optimization to the multi-layers and multi-objects system fuzzy optimization.I takes the elaboration and analysis of the standard for designing the harbor channel plan.The objects are separated into interrelated parts to make the problem consecutive,the model factor indicators system of multi-layers and multi-objects system fuzzy optimization is established by using fuzzy optimization theory.In this paper,I unifies the actual case to apply the model for multi-layers and multi-objects system fuzzy optimization.I makes the analysis for situation of lvshun new harbor channel,then establishes the factor indicator system by using the multi-layers and multi-objects system fuzzy optimization.every layer cell system of is calculated by inputting the output of lower layer into higher layer.Using pricing vectors,the sequence of all cases are arranged,the optimal selection for harbor cha(?)el plans is performed.This method has provided the confidence level high advisory opinion for the channel plan’s final decision-making.