
来源 :大连理工大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshigezuiren
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of responsible leadership onemployee prototypical following behaviors.This study further sought to investigate whether feltobligation and psychological safety mediate the above relationship.This study further examinedwhether employee power distance orientation moderates the relationship between responsibleleadership and employee prototypical following behaviors.  A correlational design was used to collect and analyze survey data.Data were collected from across-sectional sample of 370 Botswana Public sector officers.A series of confirmatory factoranalyses were conducted to test the construct validity of the measurements.Structural Equationmodeling and Hayes (2013) PROCESS Model l and Model 4 were used to test the hypothesizedmoderation and mediation effect respectively, on the hypothesized main interaction.  The findings of this study indicated that responsible leadership is positively and significantlycorrelated with prototypieal following behaviors.Felt obligation and psychological safetysignificantly and positively mediate this relationship.Finally, power distance orientation has anegative but significant moderation effect on the relationship between responsible leadership andprototypical following behaviors.  This study contributes to the body of knowledge on responsible leadership through investigatingits applicability in the public sector.Another contribution is the unique combination of the keyconstructs, prototypical following behaviors, felt obligation, psychological safety and power distanceorientation used in exploring responsible leadership behavior.The findings of the current studies haveimplications for leadership behavior in the Public sector.Theoretical and practical implications arediscussed, together with the limitations of the study and directions for future research.  
[摘 要] 哲学与人生是一门极具思辨性的学科,其中涵盖了人生观、价值观、认识论、辩证法及唯物观等一系列哲学问题,在创造性使用教材的基础上,抓住事物的本质属性,注重对学生心灵、智慧和性情的开发和培养,使其在科学价值观的指导下,形成良好的思辨能力,学会权衡利弊,做出合理选择,实现对“真、善、美”人生境界的追求。  [关 键 词] 哲学与人生;中职教学;思辨能力  [中图分类号] G715