Generations and Leadership: Review of the Practices and Expectations of Generations for Engagement a

来源 :上海交通大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taitaitaihaole
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Today,a large number of sources celebrate the diversity in teams.Seen as a way to increase productivity,companies are looking to hire people with a diversity of gender,national origin,experience and background.However,only a few sources are talking about age diversity.With currently 3 Generations in the workforce:The Baby Boomers,the Generation X,the Generation Y and with a new Generation coming(Generation Z),the workplace is now the place where people from different Generations can work together.The main goal of this paper is to analyze the differences between Generations that can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts in the workplace in an ensemble France+USA.The literature tells us that the generations in the 2countries are quite the same in term of work leadership and thus the studied difference will be between generations.The theoretical framework of the paper will be based on Herzberg’s 2-factor theory on employee satisfaction that explains that satisfaction is the product of motivation(recognition,responsibility)and hygiene(salary,work conditions)factors.In this paper,we found out that several activities that are advertised to bring benefits to a company are not that useful and can even produce contrary effects.Namely,team-building activities and happiness-at work activities have to be used with caution.With strong disparities across Generations,such activities,if seen as the Alpha and Omega of team relationship can damage relationships between colleagues and marginalized those who do not feel that they are useful.On the same way,happiness at work activities are huge generational dividers.If Generation Zers see them as important,other Generations rank them low in the hierarchy to retain employees.Instead,we propose that the keys to retain employees is by giving them a meaningful work,a good salary,recognition and a good work/life balance.Focusing on those 4 ideas can be enough to increase happiness at work without developing activities as Yoga or Games.This paper is also studying the relationship between people and leadership.For example,the type of relationship between the leader and his subordinates was studied.The thesis demonstrates that the Herzberg 2-factor theory is still a guide for different generations to satisfy them on a professional side in France and in the USA according to the interviewed panel and that leaders should focus on motivational factors(recognition,opportunities)and hygiene factors(salary,perks)to develop Engagement and Retention in their company.In addition,as the link between Engagement,Retention and Performance is clearly established in the literature,developing Engagement and Retention could be economically beneficial for companies.