Iron Deposition in the Precentral Gray Matter in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis:a Quantitative Stu

来源 :重庆医科大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:popwoool20
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Aim: The aim of our study was to quantify iron deposition in theprecentral gray matter in MS patients using three-dimensional enhancedsusceptibility-weighted angiography (3D-ESWAN) and to investigate thecorrelation of iron accumulation with disease duration, atrophy of theprecentral gyrus and Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) scores.
  Methods:. We recruited 33 patients with diagnosis of clinically definiteMS and 31 age- and sex- matched healthy controls who underwentconventional brain MRI and 3D-enhanced T2*-weighted angiography(ESWAN) sequences. We obtained the mean phase values (MPVs) of thegray matter of the precentral gyrus on ESWAN-filtered phase images andthe volume of the precentral gyrus on 3D Tl (SPGR) images. Spearmansrank correlation coefficient analysis was computed to investigate relationsbetween the precentral gray matter mean phase values (MPVs) and diseaseduration and EDSS scores. We also assessed the correlation of the volumeof the precentral gyrus with disease duration and EDSS scores. Studentst-test was used to determine if there was a significant difference betweenthe volumes of the precentral gyrus in MS patients compared to those ofhealthy controls.
  Results: 1) The MPVs in the precentral gray matter in MS patients andcontrols were 1870.83±56.61 and 1899.22±51.73 respectively and hadsignificant difference in the MS group vs. the control group (t= -2.09,p=2) Spearmans rank correlation coefficient analysis showed that there wassignificant negative correlation between disease duration and the MPVs inthe precentral gray matter (r= -0.365, p= 0.03).3) No correlation was found between the EDSS scores and the MPVs.4) We also found that there was a significant difference between thevolume of the precentral gyrus in MS patients compared to healthycontrols (t= -5.167, p< 0.001). The mean volume of the precentral gyrus irtMS patients was 4368.55±867.78 whereas in controls was5701.00±1184.03.5) There was a positive correlation between the volume of the precentralgyrus and MPVs (r= 0.291, p= 0.020). However, no correlation was foundbetween volume ofthe precentral gyrus and EDSS or disease duration.
  Conclusion: Our stucly demonstrated that quantitative assessment of u-ondeposition in the precentral gray matter in MS patients can be measuredusing 3D-ESWAN. Furthermore, disease duration was found to be asignificant contributor to patients with MS. In addition we found that irondeposition of the precentral gray matter was correlated to atrophy of theprecentral gyrus. However we did not find any correlation between volumeof the precentral gyrus and disease duration or EDSS scores.
目的:  营养风险是患者由于现存或潜在的营养相关问题导致不良临床结局的风险,在住院患者中普遍存在,此部分患者从营养支持中受益的可能性比较大。中华医学会推荐用营养风险筛查工具(NRS-2002)对住院患者进行营养风险筛查,而对NRS-2002筛查的有营养风险患者,给与营养支持能否改善临床结局,减少住院费用尚缺乏前瞻性研究报道。  成本/效果分析是转化医学T1,T2,T3阶段中与T3有密切关系的部分,
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