The Impact of Financial and Non--Financial Reward on Employee’s Motivation:A Case of Sudatel Telecom

来源 :首都经济贸易大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SnailHou
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The purpose of this study was to explore the impact reward systems have onemployee motivation at the Sudatel Telecom Group in Sudan beyond the specific contentcovered in such interventions, and how employee type (full-time and part-time) mightmoderate those effects.The study also not only discusses that employee motivation isimperative for the overall organizational performance, but also talks about how to retaina motivated workforce.Factors enhancing employee motivation may be differing fromone organization to the other.Quantitative research methodology has been adopted inthis study.A survey was conducted in trying getting an insight about their rewards andmotivation.The researcher has found from the survey that there are different factors thatinfluence the motivation of employees in their jobs which can be classified into twobroad categories; financial and non-financial rewards.Although financial rewards areimportant for employee motivation in developing countries like Sudan, where theinflation rate is so high that people are struggling hard to retain their social status but theimportance of other rewards cannot even be discriminated.This research was targeted at300 staffs employed at the Sudatel Telecom Group in Sudan.  Results of the regression analysis, that the relationship between financial reward andnon-financial reward, and employee motivation are statistically significant and positivelycorrelated.Similarly, results of regression analysis show an even stronger relationship foremployee type.This result confirms that the employee type plays an important role as amoderating variable in the employee motivation models of the Sudatel Telecom Groupsample.Thus the findings draw attention to the relevance of employee type inmoderating the effects rewards have in influencing employee motivation in such a waythat rewards have a more positive influence on employee motivation for full-timeemployee than for part-time employee.  The study provides a basis to understand the issues of employee motivation inorganizations.It is a good contributor to the knowledge world of human resourcemanagement which explores the factors that influence motivation of employees andprovide a solution to the problems faced by employees at their jobs.The study alsorecommends the management of the studied organization to pay more attention to theproblems of employee satisfaction for the overall benefits of the organization.  