The rise of China the East Asia security order examines how the Chinas neighbours in including the United States accommodate its rise; the accommodation of the rise of China by its neighbours is complicated,whether they see the rise as a threat or as an opportunity.China is the second largest economy in the global system, perceptions of China being a threat or it being an opportunity because both cannot exist without the existence of the other,as a result,the one that outweighs the other is the opportunity. In the era of economic independent states,economic interdependent plays a major role for states cooperation and in the peace and stability in the East Asias region.With time, the traditional definitions of security had changed, the present dynamic of the East Asia order is economic security,because it is not just the traditional security of military capabilities of the protection of the states territorial integrity.But,another reality of presence order is the chance of another economic crisis can have ripple effects on the regional states. Liberalists place prosperity over survival, the importance economic interdependence which makes the chance of conflict difficult to occur or the chances being low which in turn promote peace.The role economic interdependence play in this relationship would prevail over any other competition such as security issues,geopolitics,etc. The United States have led a good alliance system with Chinas neighbours and in the Asia-pacific.Also the US pivot to Asia with the aim of re-balancing.With all these,how the US accommodates China or perceives it as a country to compete with or cooperate.Nowadays,cooperation had defined their relationship thanks to economic interdependence. Examining the role of ASEAN,Japan and United States in the region and how they tend to view the rise of China as a contribution to the betterments of the East Asia Region as a whole.