China’s Soft Power Towards Saudi Arabia through Higher Education

来源 :山东大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxl0003
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Soft power through higher education is a major channel in China.Accordingly,the Chinese government is working hard to promote Chinese language and culture worldwide through Confucius Institutes,student exchange programs,recruitment of international students,and international collaborations.Saudi Arabia is taking the lead in GCC(Gulf Cooperation Council within GCC region.Saudi Arabia is one of China’s higher education outreach policy.The research followed the qualitative study examined experiences of Saudi Arabia students with regard to China’s higher education program(s)in relation to the aims of China’s soft power strategy.Soft power refers to the ability of attraction and co-optation,which is based on a country’s intangible instruments such as "culture,philosophy and institutions"(Nye,1990).A case study method was used by using Saudi Arabia as the site for an in-depth investigation into Saudi students’ socio-cultural experiences in relation to China’s higher education policy and programs.Soft power constitutes the theoretical framework.Data sources included interviews with 30 Saudi students(including alumni),news stories,books,journal articles,documents,and reports.Findings indicate that whereas the China and Chinese cultures drew admiration from the Saudi students.The research covers a crucial gap in the current literature,which is largely devoid of references to the GCC region,Especially Saudi Arabia,where China is steadily boosting its strategic position,as well as the educational soft power model making a major contribution to the literature on the linkages between soft power and education.This research is focused on conceptual,theoretical approaches.Such as soft power and higher education.These concepts enable one to better analyze and understand China’s education policies that address the Saudi Arabia government and public.The concept of soft power is most useful to explain and analyze China’s government’s policies toward Saudi Arabia.The concept of higher education is useful to identify and evaluate the impact of China’s social and cultural values through their experience among Saudi students and understand China’s government strategies rapprochement with the Saudi public.It is also useful to identify the mechanisms that enable China to strengthen its ties with Saudi Arabia through the educational organization.
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